Star Trek Fucked Forever

I forced myself to finish Discovery simply because I was interested in how the story would end. I went through the torcher of fags and nigger captain in charge. Then this fat Sheboon finishes up the last seen. Goddamn you Paramount!

Attached: StaceyFatNog.jpg (1372x1170, 815.92K)

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Star Trek has been fucked for a very long time. This fat nigger cow was the pinnacle of success in that failure.

Star Trek: Enterprise was the only non-pozzed series and had an actual good story arch

Attached: enterprise_boner.png (1000x559, 927.13K)

those lips and nose, absolutely disgusting.

>gook on bridge
>WOMAN on bridge
>RUSSIAN on bridge
>first interracial kiss
>first trans romance
>first same sex kiss

trek has been pozzed for 50 years now

You're watching Star Trek and complaining about races and shit? Kids these days.

>In the future we will be ruled by election cheaters.
What did they mean by this?

It’s not over, just the season. And for some reason this season sucked complete ass and it showed. Season 1 and 2 were actually moderately good.

No they weren't

Why is the dem leadership obsessed with this fat sheboon

how is picard in picard?
Did he become an angry white old man disconnected from reality?

Space Socialism for Retards is a gay series

Checked. S1 and S2 wasn't bad. Some faggotry but not blatant. But S3 was woke as fuck and I knew it was downhill from the first episode.

Star trek has and always will be shit. The one time they made an okay show was Deep Space 9 and it required the dirty jews to rip off Babylon 5.

I managed to finish the first season. There were a couple of interesting stories despite the grating characters and shoehorned messaging. Assuming I can tolerate that bullshit do seasons 2-4 have anything valuable to offer?

>I forced myself to finish Discovery
>I forced myself
>Star Trek Fucked Forever

Your Trek is finished maybe, not mine. You're the part of the problem retard. Consoom more.

I don't think you're ready for Barney the faggot dinosaur, let alone science fiction there, Ja'Quandrelle.

I'm watching Picard. Again, story not bad but Patrick Stewart is basically on life support. Feeble as fuck.

>Getting a subscription to poopcock or whatever orange man bad network the show is on
No thanks

Picard s2 is way better also strange new world's look promising.

Autocorrect. Fuck you.
For the record, the best sci-fi series of all time is The Expanse. I wish it hadn't ended.

He's an android zombie now

It’s ok. Worth watching just to see Riker.

>Patrick Stewart is basically on life support

damn why'd they drag him into this again?

>t. torcherer
Go back to Botswana and take your shitty series with you.

Attached: characters-curious-george.png (400x400, 69.07K)

Look at our current president. They get off on showing white men as old, decrepit, and near death.

The writers had some real bad TDS and started losing their minds.