Recommended out of nowhere, what globohomo are trying to say?

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Haha Jesus Christ quite the narrative man. I have actually fought and stared death in the face before, but thanks for spreading your own insecurities onto me. How many wars have you been involved in? This is my third. Also happily married so not sure who I'm impressing with the ladies. Also you want to tell all the refugees I assisted in medical tents that I was pretending to be playing COD? Cause I'm sure they wouldn't take much of what a keyboard warrior says seriously anyways

I'm not taking any chances with my health. I'm going to do what the experts say and only use Vitamin D in moderation according to my doctor's recommendations after I have asked a qualified health care professional if it's right for me!

I'm not taking any chances with my health. I'm going to do what the experts say and only use Vitamin D in moderation according to my doctor's recommendations after I have asked a qualified health care professional if it's right for me!

I'm not taking any chances with my health. I'm going to do what the experts say and only use Vitamin D in moderation according to my doctor's recommendations after I have asked a qualified health care professional if it's right for me!

Go outside.
God beams down on you.
No vitamin D necessary.

Attached: godsgreatestgift.jpg (1017x985, 179.26K)

>doctor (((berg)))

What a fucking joke



I'm not taking any chances with my health. I'm going to do what the experts say and only use Vitamin D in moderation according to my doctor's recommendations after I have asked a qualified health care professional if it's right for me!

I'm not taking any chances with my health. I'm going to do what the experts say and only use Vitamin D in moderation according to my doctor's recommendations after I have asked a qualified health care professional if it's right for me!

Attached: 1641869887527.png (600x600, 285.72K)

Vitamin D is based and everyone should take it if you are not out in the sun daily. He just mentions some super rare conditions that might lead to some complications when high dosing with vitamin D. Dude has to shit out videos to make money after all

im going to take 3 vit d right now and 6 more throughout the day.


This guy recommends megadosing Vitamin D in all his videos, the video in question is him telling you when not to take it (if you suffer from hypercalcemia etc.)

Eric Berg is legit and 10x better than your regular doctor.

Based worshiper of Ra

it's just i didnt watched any health videos at all, and have purely music recommended feed
pretty spooky

Vitamin D comes from meat. The sun vitamin is a myth. Look at vegans. They spend plenty of time outside but a lot of them are vitamin D deficient. Why?

I like this guy. His videos encouraged me to start doing OMAD

Huh, can't you just eat fish every other day like a normally adjusted white european man and get enough of it anyway?

>Anti vax keto Berg is globohomo

It's just a clickbait title. He recommends most people take vitamin D.

"Doctor" Berg markets almost exclusively to literal boomers MIGAs who buy his $80 a bottle pills to fix their made up ailments. There's no wide conspiracy he's just a snake oil salesman.

lmao glowniggers don't even try anymore
the jew fears the nutritional supplement

I work in the sun at least 6 hours per day and I still take vitamin D. Stay mad trannys. Also no I'm not taking the jab. Sorry,it's just that I'm not gonna take it.

Wrong. You can't get enough unless you sun yourself naked all day. Have you ever had your D3 blood levels checked?

>Vitamin D comes from meat. The sun vitamin is a myth. Look at vegans. They spend plenty of time outside but a lot of them are vitamin D deficient. Why?
Never had a deficiency and never eaten animal flesh.

Attached: Nimai-Delgado-Never-Eaten-Meat.jpg (960x960, 100.41K)

His ancestors are Icelandic. I think he's safe.

>Look at vegans. They spend plenty of time outside
>All of them. Because i said so

Invented by the Jew Ori Hofmeckler



Guess I'll start taking Vitamin D then

>I'm not taking any chances with my health. I'm going to do what the experts say and only use Vitamin D in moderation according to my doctor's recommendations after I have asked a qualified health care professional if it's right for me!

You should also speak to an expert before posting on the internet and only do so under the guidance of a qualified internet expert.

Only tyrants tell other people what to eat

The problem is that some people are taking it to retarded extremes and taking down 50k IUs or more per day which can actually be dangerous after a point. The average person should take 5-10k IUs per day and up to 20k IUs if they live in a cold climate, but more than that is only for people with medical conditions that cause chronic vitamin D deficiency.

There was a study that showed 80% of all people in Southern California were vitamin D deficient and that's one of the sunniest places in the whole US where more people spend time outside than most other places. Even the people who went outside regularly were deficient. And here's the thing, if you live further north than that you actually get hit with even less of the necessary UV radiation for producing vitamin D due to the angle of the sun in the atmosphere. If you don't live on the equator you should be taking at LEAST 5k IUs of vitamin D per day if not more, EVEN WITH going outside regularly for long periods daily.


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>This guy recommends megadosing Vitamin D in all his videos

However before jumping on supplements I wasn't following exact UV indexes at my place. The assumption is that sunrays are only enough during summer is wrong, it's March and I already tan every say during zenith time. It's snow outside and I'M NOT COLD at noon, staying outside shirtless for 20 minutes doesn't cause any discomfort.

Vitamin D is underrated. You chance of "overdosing" is minimal so long as you don't mix supplements that ALL contain Vitamin D.

Vitamin D medication and supplements are the closest thing to a "miracle drug" IRL.

Attached: berg.jpg (391x266, 17.82K)

You're meant to take it with vitamin K2

I mean depends where you live and weather conditions, also on how your work shedule might affect sun intake.

but yeah otherwise try to get eat least 15-30mins of sun on your upper body when you get the chance too.

>Be Irish.
Nigga, you trying to get me killed by your space dad's death ball?!

this man is a chiropractor
he used to shill vit d
now he's against it
his opinions are irrelevant