Ivermectin Didn’t Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date

>Patients who got the antiparasitic drug didn’t fare better than those who received a placebo.
nice horse paste, losers.

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Who funded the trial?

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So what have we learned? The deadly coronavirus plague can be defeated by either ivermectin or doing nothing. Good study result.

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All science "studies" are manipulated to produce the outcome the observer wants.

Real science hasn't been tried

NIH funds almost all scientific research in the US, pharma funds very little. Dumb as fuck meme

I just did nothing the whole pandemic, cocksucker. Nothing. I worked from home. "Covid" was literally a net gain for me, and I didn't get jabbed and NEEEEVER will.

Ah yes. Was this study done by the people that found remedesvir and mRNA shots to be effective?

Nothing reduced hospitalization more than coof being fake and gay

it was an Independent study

Those two groups definitely aren't working together.

>NIH funds almost all scientific research in the US, pharma funds very little. Dumb as fuck meme

Shill alert. You literally can't be this stupid without being paid to say this. Seriously. That, or you're a child with zero comprehension of the things you're talking about.

It did for me.

kys retard

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Big pharma spent 83 billion on R&D in 2019. Who are you defending and why? For free?

>It did for me.

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Its a prophylactic as in when you are in the hospital its too late faggot.

They're including FDA approval fees in that, which is not actual research and frequently costs 1bn or more per approval

key word: BIOMEDICAL
and NIH funding research doesnt disprove the fact that pharma companies very fucking much need to sink money into research and development. You are borderline retarded

Big Pharma owns the NIH through lobby money, you fool.

>Another deliberately botched trial that sinks a treatment tested by many more tests

Reminder that the horse paste meme was a gift. Now you know you can ignore the person rambling about it because:
> Either they know ivermectin isn't horse medicine and they're trolling/ arguing in bad faith
> They're uninformed but still want to tell you what's what.

Both scenarios are not worth your time.

>NIH just magics money from nowhere to fund things

Man, you need to get any life experience at all. You live in a world of concrete concepts but have no idea how any of them interact.

Tongue My Anus Pharma Whore.

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Clinical trials have a median cost of 19 million (for FDA approval) The actual fee that pharma pays to the FDA is around $5,000. Please try shilling somewhere else

Who said the money is magicked? It comes from taxpayers, ie probably not anyone who posts on this board

>conduct retarded study
>publish results
and then some retard on the internet is going to go and spread it.

Why are you this dumb? Does nobody on this board know how to google anything?

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I thought about this terrible, disastrous disease and I will not take their vaccine so I did my research and stumbled upon Ivermectin. It’s a parasite removal drug by prescription only and seems to tame COVID-19. More research and I found this drug at Tractor Supply with Ivermectin in paste form for treating horses and other farm animals. I can literally buy this without trying to find a doctor’s prescription. It’s safety record is off the chain so I went to TS and bought a tube of Horse Paste™ and I’ve been using it for the last few weeks with no problems to report. The only thing that I found different is that I now eat a bag of oats for lunch and an occasional apple.

ok, and you're happy because a potential drug against covid failed? Come on buddy, less hatred.

You say while posting the first snippet google decided is in the narrative to show you. Didn't even click on a link at least

how did they ensure this time that it doesn't work?

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Are you insane? The trial systems are incestuous, the allow the companies to run their own using the same trial sites and doctors as the NIH and their subsidiaries use. the vaccines trials were ran by their own manufacturers with little oversight

Hilariously, the later results on page show even higher drug development costs, which are all counted as 'research and development' despite involving little of what anyone would reasonably call research

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