I don't give a fuck about Ukraine

I don't give a fuck about Ukraine.

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i donĀ“t give a fuck about the current thing

the contemporary events unfolding are not of my concern

FUCk your frog mouth.
Billions have been spent on efforts to drag the whole world in this theatre.

Pretty based, Johnny Rico.

Yeah its kind of annoying trying to follow politics right now because I can't fucking avoid it. Its almost as bad as covid, at least when I go outside/to work I don't have to hear about it. Just see the silly Joe Biden gas pump stickers a lot. Funny when they're half scratched off

I want to attack Ukraine but our leader is a pussy faggot and his son is gay.

You do, other wise you wouldn't have made this post

Same. I try to keep up on the news a couple of times a week just so that I can keep up with what's happening, but I don't really care until it affects Scandinavia

Dangerously based

That sounds like gaslighting, Nigel.

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You seem like a pretty cool guy. I also don't give a fuck about Ukraine.
Before that I didn't give a fuck about covid. And before that I didn't give a fuck about the "possible collusion" between Trump and Russia. That's how my last 6 years have been.

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Wise, cozy frog.

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This is LITERALLY you

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You are not in charge. There's no reason for you to care.

I don't wear glasses.

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Yeah we know

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The US has enough problems, we dont need anudda banker war for the Globohomo crowd.

no dog in the fight really.
It's just - left jew versus right jew - to see who can be the top jew in their hierarchy.
Where it matters for us, is when they start wanting more bodies for their blood god sacrifices in the tournament area called Ukraine.

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>I don't give a fuck about Ukraine.

Yes President Biden Any Forums is aware, at least you've prevented WW3, by not getting involved....


>be from catalonia
>vote for independence
>get face smashed in by globohomo


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