Why are video games such turds these days?

When was the last time you played something good?

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Played TR3 today. Pretty good. For 1996.

1987. It was called Mario world on the Nintendo. Good shit, man.

>INB4 nu/pol/s version of squid game ie elden ring
probably 2018 when KCD came out and the 4k rerelease of resonance of fate

> Why are video games such turds these days?
computer games are for children, there are lots of things that children find interesting but adults do not.

>When was the last time you played something good?
when I was 14 because I'm not a child any more

I'm enjoying elden ring tbqh been years since I enjoyed a good game.

yesterday, played some deus ex mankind divided

Two video games aren’t gay shit for 12 yr olds and that’s older Total war games and Minecraft

I miss classic TR. chill explorin and puzzlin. I think only the gem Underworld grabbed that vibe even tho it was filled to the brim with shitty action setpieces

What bothers me the most is the fact that not a single good COD has been released after bo1.
BO1 deserves a graphical remaster with minimal gameplay changes, so the large playerbase returns once more.

>deus ex mankind divided
it's pretty kino, just need to ignore the whole augs live matter crap

Wokeism doesn't work for creative media. Diversity hires aren't skilled enough to make good games. Also WFH has made many workers less productive leading to incomplete games. And corporate deadlines push to sell incomplete games

I feel like all fucking games are the same now. Everything's an open world with a checklist for shit to find and sidequests.
I got Elden Ring, but I can't help but feel like I'm playing reused DS3 assets spread out over a fucking sandbox.

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why can't I play the games I buy when I'm not online?
why can't I play the games I buy if I don't agree to their data theft?
(You) let this happen. Enjoy

I'm almost 31 and all my childhood and current friends are still obsessed with playing video games every day. It's insane.

I stopped 2-3 years ago and have never looked back. It's almost creepy being in Discord listening to them like they're still teenagers.

no blm refrences, didn't even exist when it came out

Halo reach. Maybe it's because I was in high school and I had no problems or worries then compared to now, but I'd stay up all night playing with my friends. Good times. It has the best story and possibly best soundtrack out of the halo franchise too. ODST might take that though.

Only good game I ever played was Asherons Call before they nerfed it and took away the fun by adding thousands of portals which took away the need to socialize and team work. The game died but there's still emulator

There's a theory that they're specifically making video games less fun than they used to, much like planned obsolescence (it's common knowledge light bulbs were engineered to die WAY earlier than necessary just to make money) - they used to spend a tremendous amount of time and artistic effort to make triple A games a truly unique experience, well it worked and now you have people who still basically ONLY play super mario bros 3. 30 something years later. The game is literally perfect and all other 2D platformers feel inferior, so they stop buying them and just begin modding those old games they loved, extracting near infinite value out of them. Now they make games that are interesting enough to grab our attention, but suck enough we only get a couple weeks gameplay out of them and feel little desire to return to them

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I'm having fun with elden ring. It's basically the only new game I've enjoyed. Last game I can even remember being worth playing was Prey in 2017


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You must be fun at parties

eagle flight VR

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pic related

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>no blm refrences, didn't even exist when it came out

>dark souls reskin
no thanks

They're written by niggers.
Factorio is pretty good.

>people go to parties and talk about nintenders and saygers

Wut yes it did. The backlash was huge before it even came out bc of the cringe PR

The problem is none of them do anything new. Every game is literally just a segment of the same mechanics we've seen since the 90s, done over and over again with a different paint job..

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People talk about all kinds of things at parties. That's the point, to socialize and find out other people's hobbies and interests and have a connection.

Fallout 1,2 and Arcanum all day. Iso gang

A fellow man of culture

>they used to spend a tremendous amount of time
ffxv will always make me kek

Warhammer 3 is sick

i pretty much only play fo76 regularly, because it has a season with camp items as rewards which I like to play in my camps/shelters.

Difficult to do anything new. Everything has been done within 3D space and there's even someone who is making a 4D game with hypercubes and shit. Nothing new can be made. A global reset is needed

I think a large part of the problem is that developers over the past couple years have made a hard-turn toward the whole "games as a service" model and catering to multiplayer zoomer shit. Those games are simpler to make and require less content. Because of the competitive multiplayer element, people want to do the whole keeping-up-with-the-joneses thing and feel the need to spend assloads on microtransactions for new weapons and skins or whatever. And multiplayer games have an inherent expiration because once the game stops being popular and people move on to the next one, everyone else will feel compelled to "upgrade" to the new release as well, meaning it's easy to get these people to keep rebuying the same thing every year, like with sports titles.

But the unfortunate side effect is that decent single-player games have become few and far between, and the majority of those are now cinematic experience walking simulators.

By far my favorite franchise. That and DOOM. Both games have amazing lore, and relatable/deep characters

>hey user did you play the latest ninterndo game(s)?
>no, stop talking to me you fucking manchild
>also what's that smell?
>I can't believe Stacy's parents forced her to invite her autistic 35 year old brother to this party jfc

I've been playing my old gamecube.

Elden Ring

Elden Ring, and a week before Warhammer 3. February was a good month.

I really enjoyed the Middle Earth Shadow series, even if the second one had a shoehorned nigger.

Elden Ring is sublime. Psychonauts 2 was a lot of fun, Crusader kings 3 is a very worthy sequel (and I can't wait for Victoria 3 to be released). I think I would enjoy Baldur's gate 3 a lot if I didn't lose interest in RPGs.
Objectively this is a pretty good period in the history of computer games.

i was wrong

huh, how the time does fly

what you describe is accurate and also a significant component of the problem

Played Into the Breach today. Time-travel mecha turn based tactics.
There are still good small developer games being made.

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Escape from Tarkov.

Quality sperg behavior. Anyways, as a well adjusted member of society, I will continue enjoying my hobbies. Whether you're into reading, lifting weights, shooting guns, building things, or video games, having a hobby is pretty nice.

Escape from Tarkyiv*

But it's still a great game, mind you. It shouldve sold more but sqenix is a bitch a used it (and then hitman) to justify the loss that was mainly due to the monstrosity that was ffxv dev cycle

Reminds me of advance wars

Week ago, purged xeno in Stellaris as Imperium of Man

Its not so much that video games are bad, its that we’re old now and are a lot pickier. I remember being 6 years old getting a gamecube and kirby air ride for christmas. It’s a pretty mediocre racing game but 6 year old me loved that game so much and played the shit out of it for years. Even now it still brings me joy to play. But 24 year old me got pokemon legends, a game that would’ve been like the second coming of christ to 6 year old me. 24 year old me got bored of it after two months. Theres just no more child like wonder to fuel our passion for games. We become pickier and start to notice all the flaws and wont accept it.

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Final Fantasy Origins: Stranger of Paradise
Best game I've played in over a decade.

Elden Ring. I keep seeing people comparing it to DS3, but I skipped it so I have nothing to compare it to.

and you are the embodiment of the post I made here Old games were better, it's not mere nostalgia speaking. They know this and realize they fucked up and want to prevent an entire new generation from just playing their old games so they make short shelf-life, microtransaction based, flavor of the month garbage like described which maximizes profits and ensures that with the exception of turbo nerds (i.e. people who create private servers for things like warhammer online, etc.) they have complete control over the product and can basically force you to purchase the next one. It's unfortunate but it's not surprising we got here. This is theoretically the void indie games would come in to fill but they're too busy being enormous faggots to produce anything of value and the autists that made our games growing up all became trannies

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You shut your whore mouth. Also, kekt

Did you defeat CHAOS

didnt read just witnessing

user.......... I AM CHAOS.

they're just catering to their NPC audiences

Because of Jew Globohomo-propaganda even in games nowadays!

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Video games are for children and you are a faggot if you play them..go chop some wood or build a shed or somerhing instead of sraring at a screen. All Video Games.

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Yesterday. Cock Ring. Great game.

Not as deep as your mom

Not political. Do you retarded faggots not notice a pattern with this Greek poster being off topic? Fucking morons