Give me more reasons to hate Poland

I'm tired of this virtue-signalling country

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>give me a reason to hate this country
>it's fucking Poland do you need any more reasons than that?

Sadly I was born in this stupid country, but out of embarrasment, I'm not willing to show my flag

i think you guys should triple down to show everyone how poland is awful

>poland hate thread
of course
>self hater behind memeflag
every time
every fucking single time
>asking for reasons to selfhate himself even more
you're like some kind flagellant, a masochist
you think it makes you look intelligent to hate your own nation?
if anything it makes you look like certain rootless international

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Butthurt Polaks detected

>butthurt about butthurt
you really showed me here

>'m tired of this virtue-signalling country
Show flag jew

i like poland

>Give me more reasons to hate Poland

they need EU gibbs to survive.

Poland is alot like africa, very low IQ, useless people that need handouts.




zelensky said that the border between ukraine and poland doesn't exist anymore
there is no poland, you jews finally did it

More please

>I'm tired of this virtue-signalling country

in my experience, people like you are just ashamed by others seeing true virtue, makes you reflect on how empty, anxious and fake you are yourself.

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They are like the Australians of Europe. Constantly shitposting and acting tough but their society is consistently at the whims of jews and they try to drag everyone else into it.

>White and ethnically homogenous
>Unapologetically proud of its history, yet not chauvinistic or aggressive.
>firmly entrenched in traditional European Christian culture and tradition
>Moderately conservative, does not subscribe to modern white guilt hyperfeminized culture, yet not autistically reactionary.
>still attaches importance to values such as family and spirituality.

Gee, no wonder that memeflag shills hate us. They will never be as cool as we Polacks. Nor will they be real women.

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Show flag kike so we can see how much you did to help people during this conflict
>inb4 Butthurt poolack

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started ww2
concentration camps
partialy caused the fall of USSR -> reason of the russia-ukraine war
sucking both chinese and americans off
slavic subhumans
a ton of migrants

why do you hate the nation that will jump start WW3 and cleanse this clown world?

This is funny how russian shills start attacking us for supporting Ukraine.

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user, Poland is the Christ of Nations

>started ww2
Trash-tier "politician" Beck responsible for it
>concentration camps
Why is this a bad thing?
Why is it bad?
>partialy caused the fall of USSR -> reason of the russia-ukraine war
Brainlet take -> non consequitur
>sucking both chinese and americans off
Means of survival due to lack of spine in Polish government
>slavic subhumans
Sure. That means we should be given reparashions for our "Niggers of europe" status
>a ton of migrants
Like in any other european country. A least they are not niggers

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>hate your own nation and country
>Go to online Chinese cartoon forum to seek other people who hate themselves as much
You cannot get more pathetic than this.
Seethe more loser.

you’re a faggot memeflag so it is your kosher duty to hate Poland