Defend crapitalism

defend crapitalism

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if niggers can become rich why cant you Any Forums?

Economical prosperity is only possible with capitalism. However with availability of money humans become degenerates. That's a different thing all together. Example being boomers.

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>infinite money
>still look like hoodrats
Why is this?

Only broke niggas hate capitalism

why is that nigger's head molding?

Neccessary evil that needs to be harshly regulated

Fuck crapitalism. Capitalism on the other hand :^)

sussy baka

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so that would mean 99% of the population hates capitalism? in reality much of the population is made of bootlicking poorfags like you unfortunately

how can capitalism be real if our eyes aren't real?

Socio-economoc reasons.

People too cowardly to display their country flag have some strong opinions these days.

Not willing to become a transgender demonic troonic demon nigger

Grow up

With capitalism I can save up the wage I'm paid and eventually move my social status up. Also being paid to work is a lot more freeing then being forced to work for the "greater good" I'd rather get a small pittance than nothing but a good job comrade here's your cabbage soup that isn't actually anything but broth.

it's an aberration that corrects itself

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The girl has a manjaw. The boy looks like a black version of a soicuck.

he should just go full ruby rhod

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God's way of finding out who's stupid and who's rich

Defend communism.

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Oh noes! Another victim of pubric erdukashon who does not know what the word actually means!

unironically so they look poor and their hoodrat friends don't ask them for money

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Race is more than the color of your skin.