Who was in the wrong Any Forums

Who was in the wrong Any Forums

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That staffy was probably mixed with legit pit bulls, that's sad. Full staffys are really sweet and smart and good and a violent german shepherd is something i've never seen before. Are they dead?

she was trying to rape the dogs, so she was in the wrong

why are the dogs not punished for crimes but humans are?
kill those dogs

Not a German shepherd, kind of looks like a Belgian malinois mix.

why would a dog need a sitter anyway?

story? I don't watch the talmudvision.

I love the little peanuts give em a boop on the nose for disfiguring some lefty heeb

that thing is half staffie at best

That's a mix but German Shepard are either #2 or 3 in the "most attacks" category. It's still like 15x less than potbulls, but they're up there.


Guessing these are the two dogs that Any Forums says somehow fully undressed and ripped off the face-n-puss of some white girl (Or she may have undressed herself and tried to fuck them).

Regardless, they're prob dead now or soon to be.


A dog sitter gets her face ripped apart by these dogs. She now looks like a fucking monster.

The twist is that when the police found her she was completely naked, and some say her clothes were intact, suggesting that she removed her clothes herself before the dogs attacked.

You don't even philology?

at a time when both covid and ukraine are losing steam, it comes out that a girl named "ya'akov endures" was bitten 800 times by a German Shepard and a pitbull.

esau-ian cycanophaly breeds

Attached: pepe-judgement-tarot.gif (225x534, 53.35K)

Oh you mean Jacqueline Durand

Where does the claim that her clothes were intact come from?

>Some say

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You just know.

from aznmasculinity


user, staffordshires ARE pitbulls. They only have different names.

.t dog professional

She tried to fuck the dogs so the two dogs fought over her pussy and tore her up fighting? Kek

>She now looks like a fucking monster
looks don't matter so it's no big deal
maybe she needs to take a shower and work on her personality if she thinks otherwise

atleast she was ugly beforehand so its not like she lost her looks
nonetheless both dogs should be put down