Is whataboutism a legit political stance?

Is whataboutism a legit political stance?

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Yes. Mutts should stfu about human rights. Do they still have that torture prison in Cuba?

its not whataboutism to call someone out on blatant hypcrisy
mutts should fuck off and stop playing world police

> when the dindu nuffins beings to morph into a psychotic breakdown

Yes, if Israel and America can kill kids then the Russkies can too.

Ungrateful China.
We save them from Japan and this is what they give back?
We should have let Japan finish off those backstabbing zipperheads.

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No, it's a cop-out for those that can't handle being confronted with their inconsistent outrage and hypocrisy. Especially with all this anti-white shit, it's important to confront the differing standards these vipers have

When the same people that ordered those things are in power or trying to get power back than yeah its ok.

>>No, it's a cop-out for those that can't handle being confronted with their inconsistent outrage and hypocrisy.
This, it shouldn't matter fix the shit getting complained about then argue your point and make the other do the same.

It's called acting according to the standard set by others. NATO shills cry whataboutism when other countries refuse to abide by their double standard.

why do russia and china talk about "muh international law" all the time wtf even is "international law"

Why does America tolerate shameful poverty and killing of black people?

International law is a real thing, unlike muh "rules based order" which references absolutely nothing.

Tu Quoque forged its historic legacy during the Nuremberg Tribunal following World War II when German Admiral Karl Doenitz used it as a defense to deflect war crime charges brought against him. By raising the Tu Quoque defense, Doenitz argued that he should be acquitted because other leaders and nations also committed the same crimes. Although many scholars note the Tu Quoque defense's importance, its history has largely been ignored. Using original court documents and personal papers from the Nuremberg Tribunal collection archived at Cornell University, this essay argues that the Tu Quoque defense's history is far from clear and that this ambiguous history clouds its legacy.

When it comes to law, it should apply, but during the Nuremberg Trials it was decided that it couldn't be used as a legal defense. An American judge quit of the decision. It basically says you can do anything you want as long as you don't lose.

Never understood that "whataboutism" "argument". When I'm being held to some standard and "international society" accusing me isn't held to that standard itself, why should I care?

To clarify, the denial of Tu Quoque (you too) as a defense means as long as you don't lose you can do what ever you like, but if you lose the people who did the same as you can try and convict you of crimes they themselves have committed.

Whataboutism was never a logical fallacy. People have psyopped themselves into thinking it is.

its the basis for most redditors and twittitors

If you're a lefty using whataboutism to prove a point?
If you're a righty using whataboutism to prove a point?
Absolutely not and how DARE you use whataboutisms!

That's been my general understanding of it for the last 6 years.

Whatboutism is a tactic that leftists use when called out on their blatant hypocrisy. For example:
>Liberal Faggot: These Trumpers sure are violent
>Conservative Boomer: What about Antifa attacking people all the time
>Liberal Faggot: Uh...that's whataboutism

Leftists love throwing that term around all the time, however they'll do the same thing.
>what about Bush doing this this and that?

It's a made up logical fallacy and the idea behind it is you should be focusing on the subject at hand and not try to deflect by pointing out your opponent's hypocrisy. Blue checkmarks on Twitter will accuse everyone of whataboutism, it's basically a shield to hide behind while you attack everyone.

But it is when used in appropriately. Say you burn down my house and so I burn down your house. If you object then I could say Tu Quoque. But if you burnt down my neighbours house, and I burnt down your neighbours house and your neighbour complained about it, I couldn't say whatabout... So America invading Iraq doesn't justify Russia invading the Ukraine.

>Is whataboutism a legit political stance?
Isn't that what they call a "precedent" in legal speak?

>oh ya, but what about
complete faggot

dumb reddit meme word. no one likes hypocrisy.

Whataboutism is just a modern take on hypocrisy. A belligerent's acts don't necessarily line up perfectly with the other's transgressions, so it's not exactly hypocrisy. Since the cultural and historical landscape we navigate is so vast accusing your foe of hypocrisy has become somewhat harder. It's easier to talk about anything you don't deem appropriate and resort to whataboutism.