/prep/ Preparedness General

Bird flu epidemic getting worse and worse
Fertiliser prices keep climbing

What have you doing to get prepared?

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Side question, can someone recommend me a good machete (preferably one that should last my lifetime).

Got myself CB radio, pepper spray & baton
Reddit tier, but that's as best we can give in our gunstarved country
It's not enough for bolscheviks, is it ?

What do you do with a Machete? Get a real Ax

Hey what movie is that screenshot from? I keep meaning to watch it but I always forget the name

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Thanks fren, stay safe

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>What have you doing to get prepared?

Stacked PM's
Pretty much completed my BoB
Bought a PC (unfortunately steel plates)
Currently Preserving food and stocking up

This movie is horrifying

It's a super versatile tool for the jungle.

Good to see European flags preparing.

prepared for what? nothing will happen here, and if it does im heading straight for the city and prime hunting grounds

The Road, it was a shitty movie

it was pretty good

Hydro set up, fuck fertilizer. Go grunt up some worms under the full moon tonight and water your garden from the fish tank. You do grow edible local fish species, don't you user-kun?

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lol I thought you were Serbia for a second and thought 'wtf'

Skills and friends is the most important.
I have a stealth mind, none of my friends are really interested in preparing or can even sense whats coming, so i don't bother including them in my plans. Theres only one friend of mine who i'd wanna team up with.

and yet i get no call back.....

Similar to this; can anybody recommend a prostate massager that is quality built and will last throughout a post-apocalyptical period? Maybe one I could pass down to my children and my children's children?


Bought some extra peanut butter, already got sacks of rice and beans that didn't get used during covid. Honestly I'm not prepared and I dont give a fuck anymore. Let the chips fall.

It's not good. In Germany you can literally getting your door knocked down by police for this.
Every German that said online that he is preparing (for whatever) is on a watchlist.

YOUR MOVE, I have two shipping containers alone of this stuff.

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When shit gets tough the governments aren't gonna go after the guy with 6 months of food in his house, they'll go straight for the farmers.

They will come long before shtf. You are registered as a potential part of a neo-nazi group. And they will turn upside everything including confiscating every electronic device. Probably they will find some traces of a shitpost where you (if you were a German) rhetorically asked something that implies illegal opinions.

To all German anons- Stop talking about preparation without protection.