Uhhh NATO bros.... are we actually the baddies here???

Uhhh NATO bros.... are we actually the baddies here???

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Its important to educate people on why what Putin is doing is wrong and why liberty and democracy must be fiercly protected. I don't think what they're trying to do is some ebil psyop.


That's not a real word. That's a conspiracy theory. "Experts" confirmed schizophrenic

Kek, like Ukraine had liberty and democracy

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how much does russia pay you?

>liberty and democracy
If the past few years have taught us anything it's that the powers that be in the West don't like liberty or democracy and indeed try actively to snuff both out when they go against them.
I don't agree with Any Forums about Putin being le good but I can understand Any Forums feeling that the West is so utterly compromised by the globohomo Davosocracy that it's not worth supporting.

We have more liberty and democracy than ever before in human history. We need to fight people like Putin because he is a direct threat to that. Theres no conspiracy thats compromised our governments but there are plenty of dictatorships trying to undermine it right now.

Where is the lie?

Its is not our business what the fuck happens on the literal other side of the planet. I fucking hate you retards that think we should devote billions to helping Ukraine when the streets are overrun with homeless and the dollar is headed for runaway inflation this year.

As if that hasnt been happenjng since the internet went online

Facebook and twitter are consent manufacturing machines. Replacing tv news for the younger and future generations.

America was a mistake. Without america, europe would be 99% white and ruling the four corners of earth

What happens in Ukraine directly affects Europe and America. How the fuck can to you see this? Do you need Russian tanks driving past your house before you'll feel like you need to do something?

The idea is to stop the tyranny before it arrives in the USA. Don't stick your head in the sand and fall for russian shill opps from people like this:

the glowies are not sending their best

I dont see how what Putin is doing is literally any different than what we did in Iraq.

>What happens in Ukraine directly affects Europe and America
What happens in a former soviet shithole somehow affect me here in America?
I hope putin just fucking levels everything in that country to teach you fucks a lesson in poking the bear.

What a fantastic democracy we have where you're only allowed to vote for your own genocide through ethnic replacement.

Too fat

Psyop to Mindwar you nigger, look it up

So you're a traitor? Expecting Russian expansion to not affect us is childish thinking.

You do realize your panic abouy russia is equally shared by the rest of the world about us, right?

Start your own party Kraut. Whiny faggots like you are the worst.

No one is stopping you from reproducing. Go be racist if you think women like that.

Russia invades and retards call it "ending" a war now. This isnt disinfo this is psyops shit

No, concern and anger towards Putin is shared almost 100% with the entire world against Russia. China is trying to profit off of the situation but I'm sure even they're scared about what Putin might do.

West - “Putler ban because he is dictator, need to manipulate our people thru psyops to show he is bad”

Also West when gas reaches $7 — “ Venezuela, Iran please gib us ur oil; we know you are dictators but it’s kewl now we can negotiate”

That means taking Putin bootlickers like Tucker Carlson off the air.

Its a uniquely Nato sentiment. Much of the world understands retaliation to western aggression

Did you take the jab?

It literally is. Ukraine gov has been bombing Eastern Ukraine for 8 fucking years. They’ve violated the Minsk agreements over and over. They are ending a war.

How much do (((they))) pay you

Why does that matter?

By psyops they mean breaking NPC trust in anything put out by Russian media and people whom they deem as pro-Russians. They are already doing that.

What? They dont need to do that. People already naturally distrust Russians and for good reason.

>Do you need Russian tanks driving past your house before you'll feel like you need to do something?
I pray every day this would happen to save us from zog occupation but unfortunately geography would make this difficult

It's not even morning in America, cant you at least work from 8am to 4pm like normal shills? Why the fuck do you have to work overnight.

NATO expansion after the Minsk agreement was the aggressor here. Expecting Russia to defend its interests is realpolitik. Living in the liberal hegemony its hard to understand that but other nations have interests too. Ukraine was never in NATO I have zero reason to care. The US has done far far far more damage to its citizens here by its imperialist interventionist wars over the last thirty years than anything Putin would do to me by taking Ukraine.
You are the fucking traitor by suggesting a war between two nuclear armed powers over a former soviet territory non NATO member would be beneficial to the American people. Go fuck yourself glownigger.

If Eastern Ukraine didn't want to get bombed, they should be fine with staying a part of Ukraine.

Funny. Not, since you cunts really believe that.

>Liberty and democracy is when your government tells you the opinion you should hold instead of letting you form it on your own

>pointing out that Russia is unpopular is a shill

okay buddy

This pasta is so stale 2016 called they want their rhetoric back

Bro, just work like normal shills, is this too much to ask for? Just shill for certain amount of time you are earning money by post there is no need to rush. Just take coffee, wake up at 8 and then go here. Just take it easy.

>Russia is unpopular
/pol is a pro Russian board faggot

>8 fucking years
You sounds like whining little bitch.
Its Ukrainian clay, of course they'll run a counterinsurgency campaign on their land against separatists propped up by Russia.

as if they haven't been running them on the public at large for years
but thank you for the public assertion that you have no problem usurping free will
means I'm absolved of my shackles

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You shouldn't call him a traitor, because there are plenty of people who see you as a traitor to the republic, in favor of zionist imperialism (which is exactly what you're advocating). Did our expansion into the middle east affect Russia, if so, why didn't they act against us ? The answer is no, because it wasn't any of their business, just like Ukraine isn't any of our business. Millions of people literally walk into this nation year after year, and you're worried about Ukraine's borders/sovereignty ? People like you need to get a fucking grip on reality.

lol Petraeus of all people, does no one have a memory, or is that just how they see us?

for those that dont remember

>call it "ending" a war now.
Ukraine has been in civil war against their eastern provinces for 8 years now but I realize you probably wouldn't find that information on Reddit

>Its Ukrainian clay
Not anymore Moshe

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Not everyone distrusts Russia when they put out verifiable and proven information.

No it doesn't moron, get your head out of your ass and look at the bigger picture

Shhhhh you're not supposed to know that

You would understand if you weren't the way you are

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