Welp I’m a Jew

My mom just received her ancestry results. Turns out she was adopted as a child and is 100% ashkenazi. As you can imagine my life is in complete shambles. Where do I start? Do I get circumcised? What are the political implications?

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But are you Californian? If so, leave. There's record high gas and you need to save Shekels fren.

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post results or fake and gay

Go to your local rabbi and ask him you could go undercover but I don't think they will trust you very much since you grew up as a goy

Kill yourself

Welcome to the true master race.

Just be yourself, convert and do military service ir just chill

Thanks brother. I don’t know how to take it. I’m curious about going to a brisk though. Eating bagels. Looking back I was probably so anti-jew because I wasn’t one

Yeah I’m 50% Ashkenazi unironically and when I found out I was like.. damn how can I hate niggers and shit...

I still hate the same people I hated before, I still hate globalist jews, but I don’t mind regular ones as much now. Except for the short and ugly ones, they make me look bad.

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>Needs a dna test to figure hes jewish...
I can tell jews just by their personalities alone. Dont even have to see there crazy jewish physical deformities.
The worst one is their brain.
Seriously how can an adult not recognize how different they are from whites.

The everyday jew are generally good people in my experiences with them. Better than most. The women are usually top quality too.

Time to go to Ukraine and fight for you ancestral homeland

You dont get it.
Jews are mentally ill narcissists.
If you think any of them are good its just because idea of a white white person has been degraded by them.

You have a Jewish brain deformity, user.

No you dumb nigger. Caring about spelling/image more then the logic of nature and eugenics is the jewish way of thinking.

Are you Christian?

Report to the nearest concentration camp.

I would like this question answered.

Why do you ask?

cut your dick, come to Israel, find a nice IDF girl and kill shitskins for your motherland.

just leave muttland immediately, it corrupts everyone,no exceptions

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Because Christ's covenant makes all that shit about being a jew moot.

You kill her, your siblings and children. Then you move to israel and alahu albar their biggest temple. Only then your soul will be redeemed and your memory will be forever ingrained as the ultimate Any Forums. In fact the board would be renamed in your honor my friend.
Go. Fulfill your destiny.

Guess who gets to go to camp too!


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We were raised in the church. I always questioned whether Jesus was the actual messiah or just a level of consciousness

Israeli women are some of the hottest I’ve ever seen. I guess I do have a right to return now

Christianity is literally just pre industrial revolution marxism you retard.

Yeah you're a jew alright.

Use your Jewish cunning and deception powers against them. You're like Blade.

>100% ashkenazi.
no such thing exists

Wrong. Jesus Christ is described as a monarch.

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Put your oven on "self cleaning" and hop inside.