Why don't we have Europe become a single country...

Why don't we have Europe become a single country? What's the point of all these little meme states that are too weak to engage in a serious war? Just turn the EU into a single country.

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Because jews

Because Germanics, Slavs and Celts and such aren't the same race. Don't have the same political ideologies (the Netherlands is classic liberal, Sweden is progressive, Greece is socialist, Poland is conservative, small countries are highly democratic, while large countries are used to top down decision making, etc). Don't have the same economies, so a shared fiscal union is impossible (the Netherlands has 60% of the pension savings in the EU so any inflation is hugely expensive, while the south wants inflation to pay off their debts and stimulate their economy). So blending it all together creates a huge mess, where you have to average everything out. Creating compromises nobody agrees with.

If you want to do it properly you would actually need at least 3 European Unions.

Because that's a one world government you stupid faggot.

these europoors and (canadians lol meme country) r 2 stupid 2 understand

Power comes from population though. Going to have set aside your differences here bub.

We should make them states.

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That's not how self-determination works.
Large countries never survive. USA only lasted because it's "United States" that each have their own rules. Same with Russia, Switzerland, etc

No. If you want to do it properly you need a proper federal state with transfer payments. Germans don't want to do that, though.

If progressives in the EU for example wants positive discrimination for women. Liberals would tell them people should make their own decisions and all discrimination is discrimination. While conservatives believe men and women have different roles in society. While socialists might not consider the social position of women a problem, but the financial position of women.

>mutt thinks the world consists of engaging in (((serious))) wars
fuck off nobody wants your ideology you prick
go die for your "country"

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Because germans

In a republic. We're a monarchy. Ministers have to explain themselves to the people (who represent local and short term interests) and to the King (who represents the nation and long term interests).


Because Germans are niggers and I don’t want to be in a country with them

Single point of failure, kikes would only need to conquer one country instead of how ever many the fuck countries are in Europe.

The EU is already run by lobbyists. Politicians from the EU don't even talk to journalists from other countries. And EU politicians have no idea what's going on in other countries. Dutch politicians know as much about Greece as Americans politicians do. Yet we have to make decisions over them.

Imagine if all of the US became one state with California's laws

Countries are divides of people and cultures. There is nothing wrong with it, they are safe places for races of people to retain their cultures and traditions and live amongst their own volk. If we all assimilate there will be no German, no Irish, no Spaniard, no Brit or French man, just an amalgamation and all the cultures will be lost. What Jews want is eventually Europe the EU to become one country and worse instead of just white races mixing they want to mix us with different species of humans like niggers, Asians and Arabics

In the eyes of politicians a standoff between The Netherlands, Italy and Poland looks like a standoff between gayland, corruptionland and barbarians from each others perspectives.

That's what the elite want. They want to consolidate all countries into a one world government. The first step towards that is the consolidation of nation states into regional, continental governments. Hence, the European Union. However, even that process must be done very slowly and methodically. There's documented evidence of them working on this project for centuries at this point. By advocating further regional governmental integration, you're playing right into their hands. I think that's one of the points of this "conflict". By pointing to the perceived outside threat of Russia, it creates the justification in the minds of the general public for a European army that they otherwise wouldn't support.