What does this mean?

Learned elders of Pol, what is Rothschild talking about?

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He's saying that if you go against Zion, you fail.

Putin isn't against Zion though

Nothing it's just cheap theater.

West is increasingly irrelevant. Putin has China, it's far more powerful and important than the globohomo.

The Sinohomo will reign supreme. And Russia will recover all the Russias.

He's saying that his kike cronies in Russia just got sent to gulagville

the 'club' means no rothchild CB

he is against it enough for them to be mad

P.S it's better to be no.2 in a sinohomo world than no. 3 or 4 in a globohomo world. Detaching itself from globohomo is a win-win for Russia.

What has Russia achieved in the past 30 years?

30 years who gives a fuck its nothing

>Sanctions will remain
LOL, no they won't, at least not in any meaningful way. The west is full of companies that endlessly lobby their governments for waivers or eliminating sanctions on countries they want to do business with. If they can't get a waiver, they often go ahead and trade anyway, knowing any fines will be trivial. Marx was right about capitalists being willing to sell you the rope to hang them with. The second businesses can find an excuse to get back into the Russian market, they will race each other to be the first back in through the door. It's the nature of global corporate capitalism.

Putin has much more resource and political leverage than any of the ones he listed. Globohomo is starting to sweat, it appears. Or it is just another clownish layer of theater. Either way I think having Zelensky out would probably make the world just a little more based.

Basically America is trying to use the economy as a cudgel again, then compared Russia to a bunch of countries that aren't Europe's main petroleum supplier.

Destruction of local culture and business in favor of culture and products provided by globohomo.

part of the leverage is russia is a barrier between china and its enemies

China CANNOT let russia fall

Chavez and Mugabe are the only legit responses here. Chavez destroyed all of Venezuela's industries including oil, its most profitable one and Mugabe destroyed Rhodesia so hard it became Zimbabwe and went from being the breadbasket of Africa to one of the poorest nations in Africa as soon as his revolution kicked out the White leadership and killed the White farmers


RIP Russia.

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ids ogay :)))

Putin has been a naughty goy

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you’re literally jewish

Even with that, the US is now begging Venezuela for oil. Zimbabwe continues to have nothing to offer the world other than female Olympic swimmers and comical banknotes.

ohmahtwitterrrrrr twiterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sounds like the club of based


ᛋ The Four Chad Truths ᛋ
1. Suffering is inseparable from existence.
2. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
3. Suffering can be ended by ending craving.
4. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.

∞ handfulofleaves.org/documents/What%20the%20Buddha%20Taught_Rahula.pdf
∞ buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm

⧗ 卍 ∞ ᛋ ⧖

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Bro Russia might get dissolved into a bunch of other countries. Not cool.

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He probably means their gas and natural resources exportation to Europe. That’s gone.

>Putin is destroying everything Russia achieved in the last 30 years
Translation-oi vey our companies can’t make money there
>Sanctions will remain there until he goes
Translation-We can’t make money there anymore with him there
>He joins a club of Chavez Hussein Mugabe Kim and a select group of leaders who have destroyed their countries and the living standards of those within them
Translation-He’s like the other people who were tired of our Kikery so we will kill if possible and demonize if they can actually fight back. Their people want to buy our products. Oi vey it’s annuda shoa

Hope that helped

Its not cryptic code it literally just means what it says. Putin made a gamble and now Russia is a global pariah. Any newsreader can make this take, nothing special about it

>Global pariah
>Over half the world population still works with him
I don't think that word means what you think it does.

He is not against the Jew, but he opposes globohomo for his own interests. That's the cardinal sin.

what did chavez do? He litterally helped his country by taking back oil and using for the people.It is not his fault the jew decided to then fuck him and starve and sanction and make the country penniless.

but that has happened in America too? LETS GO BIDEN?

Putin is going to conquer the EU, sanctions are useless

he’s baiting retarded newfags into believing that putin isn’t working directly with the kikes. the president of israel had a personal meeting with putin a week ago. israel is a geographical crown jewel and they have no loyalty to the USA. they’re going to be the same hub in the middle east with a different military power protecting them. rothchild faggot is chapped because they’re going to destabilize the USD hegemony which means they can’t access that market with printed money. just a jew kvetching about a personal banking loss to another jew. such is life as a kike i guess

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tldr putin bad
(he's right)

No. He's against ZOG, not Zion. I know some of you are too retarded to understand the difference, but there is one. Being "pro" Israel (whether you hate kikes or like them) is fundamentally different from being "pro" social acid for your own nation. Just because Jews cross boundaries doesn't mean those boundaries don't exist.

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Yeah sure you mexinigger.

It means the enemies of humanity hate Russia.

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Fpbp tru af

putin must really be hurting the Jewish cabal to make Rothschild kvetch like this

also what is the obsession of jews and "right side of history" pilpul? aren't they ones who propagate "well behaved women don't make history"? well guess what chaim "well behaved goyim don't make history".

My drug dealer went into an unhinged rant today about Putin being the new Hitler. Now the Rothschilds are chastising him. Did we get too cocky Jewlensky bros?

how have the living standards been in the west recently?

The filthy animals have a lot bet on Ukraine.

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Come December all will be forgiven and Germany will be importing NG from Russia again. Guaranteed.

Name what Chavez did wrong then faggot.

Before the jews ruined oil prices every fuck was always talking how great venezuala infrastructure was.

Okay, if it's that important, why don't this kike go and die in Ukraine, then?

Bread and circus

quite simple after corona any small oil business is dead, small companies died so only big kike ones lived cause they all go the loans.
Now they are basically extending Ukraine to sell fucking food and water bottle as well as keep oil up so all the big kikes that lived get gains.
EU get most fertilizer from Russia, most there food is from Ukraine and Russia.No that is gonna sky rocket.
But get this war and refugee now need food too. SO that goes even up more cause they gonna sell at premium bottle water and food to the war and refugee.