How come water doesn't taste like pic related everywhere?

How come water doesn't taste like pic related everywhere?
There is a night and day difference between this and tap water or some cheap stuff you get in plastic bottles

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Stick it in your ass kike.

Purified water lacks minerals and leeches it from the body.

>How come water doesn't taste like pic related everywhere?
evian is made by french people, american tap water isnt

Attached: what it feels like to be french.png (2344x1808, 115.61K)

sounds like bullshit
this stuff is infinitely more refreshing and i could drink it all day, it was probably closer to natural spring water that humans drank
drinking tap water is a fucking chore

I only buy alkaline water. I don't care if it costs more, I don't care if plastic is bad for the environment, i don't care if it's snake oil. it's what I like and it's what I'm going to buy.

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Yeah it's complete bullshit, so long as you're not starving yourself even distilled water will have no harmful effect whatsoever.

best bottled water around, the gas station I used to get these at just stopped stocking them, now its only poland spring and smart water

Nothing like chugging an ice cold 1 liter of bottled water

My well water tastes like it.

What minerals?

I prefer Costco's water. Has minerals added for a crisp taste. You can get a 40 pack for like $3.60.

Attached: costco_water.jpg (680x680, 20.93K)

Evian tastes like shit, tho.
Tap water tastes better than that in Norway.
But I get that you dont get it, because tap water taste like shit in all other countries I ever visited.
The best water I had is tap water in Northern Norway, from a personal well.

aruban public water tastes like it
best faucet water in the world

I don't care for cold water. I drink mine room temp.

purified water = tap water


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The most distilled water on earth is your urine

You don't know what you are missing.
Try drinking water after having some mints. Heaven on earth.

I should seriously start bottling Norwegian tap water, you guys would shit bricks if you knew how tasty it is.
Only place in Norway you get shit tap water are in some old schools with old ass pipes.

send it to me please

I like to suck on some fruit flavoured mints while drinking ice cold water, wayyy better than the shit they sell us in stores.

it's just fucking ridiculous that water worth drinking becomes a bill in every day life

How much will you pay?
For, let's say, 1.5 liters?
I'm seriously considering this a side business, I just need to get a shitload of unused, bottles.
But to be fair, shipping is hella expensive from Norway, so I imagine, that if I was to make a decent profit, I would have to charge something like 20USD for 1.5 liters, and direct myself at the upscale/luxury market.

But to be fair, and not Jew you, try getting your hands on a bottle of Imsdal from Norway, it tastes pretty much the same as my tap, but not as good as Northern Norway water.