No mention of race of assailant

>no mention of race of assailant
safe to assume what color he was?

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Meanwhile, the media is spreading far and wide some meme story about a 15 year old white kid throwing cotton at and whipping a black student in high school

Translucently fair skin, gray eyes, platinum blonde

geeez the niggers are really beating the shit out of Asians, if this was being done by "white men" there would be armed teams of feds on every urban street corner and white guys would be under a curfew

IT'S "COLOUR"!!!!!!!!!

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Good lord she is made for big White pussy

Only blacks attack Asians. It's why " stop Asian hate" never caught on like BLM

Why do niggers hate asians so much?

niggers are the embodiment of hatred

you have to solve the puzzle

they disprove the racism myth by succeeding in America while niggers still wallow in welfare poverty skid row criminal misery



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All criminals are black unless otherwise noted.

Confirmed to be a white guy actually but Any Forums is in denial
Most Asian crimes are done by whites

Barbie is a furry now

>hate crime
>only ever in the context of skin color
How is any crime, not a hate crime?

She’s so fucking beautiful. I miss being stationed in Japan so fucking much. I have such strong yellow fever I’ve resorted to fucking latinas with their eyes taped back. So sorry that some niggas did this Karen. Black sailors and marines were always the cause of incidents with attacking civilian locals back in Japan.

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Asian lives don't matter until black lives matter.

That gives niggers free reign to do everything bad.

(((They))) hate you

>muh hate crime
Why not just "crime"? Is being murdered less bad as long as it's not a "hate murder"?

Because Asians don't go around murdering each other, dealing drugs or generally commit crimes, they are just as bad as those heckin ypipo and need to die

Coulters law. Longer time it takes to publish race of suspect, less likely it is going to be white.

The day approaches where the negro goes from revered to reviled, their savage nature must be brought to heel.

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oh no. as a white guy i feel so guilty that a nigger attacked her. he must have learned it from us , or its because of slavery or something.
do they have a hashtag for this? i want to show my friends I am for the latest thing

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Because Asians are immune to the racism/guilt card. They DGAF if a nog calls them racist.


Okinawa? I was at Kadina and it was always niggers causing problems. I also love the Japanese. God help me I love them so much. I wish I never had yellow fever but once you go over there and see them it destroys anything else.

God I wish that were me (the black boy being whipped by massa)

They protect themselves that way. They get power over you socially that way. It's a soft conquest.

killing white people is just less bad

she “says” someone knocked her hat off

Lol, I love watching the media tie itself into ridiculous rhetorical knots to cover up niggers playing the knockout game with unsuspecting slopes.

Chinks will take the beating because they are subservient and won't go against the BLM narrative. The perfect storm....

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They moved into the inner city and opened up shops that thrived because they didn't let nogs take shit for free, which means they pushed out the black owned shops which couldn't compete due to heavy losses.

Now the nogs are out for oriental blood.

Jussie Fukuhara?

I was on the mainland in Kanagawa prefecture. Fuck Oki. But yeah it’s universal that they’re the ones getting drunk and causing scenes in town. The white guys who did the same shit were always wiggers who tried their best to fit in with the ghetto crowd

Ten chink hookers at the same time says it was a nigger.

Nice bait

Attached: Niggers_05.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

The only good response to this thread.

Niggers deserve to die

>I'm Maisie de Krassel and I love black people.

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