Expose Putin as Controlled Opposition Thread

No, Putin, Trump, Iran, etc. are not fighting the Illuminati. People bought into the Trump hoax and now they're buying into the same hoax except now it's Putin. "okay, Trump betrayed us but Putin is the real deal!". Face it. Both sides are controlled. For four years, you allegedly propaganda-immune autists were hypnotized with the Trump thing... don't get fooled yet again.

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As long as he keeps dabbing on troons I don't care

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Putin literally had a Jewish Mother, and nobody ever seems to mention that here. I find that fucking weird.

>Both sides are kikes

Many such cases...

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Omg if you slender Putin then I'll just suddenly stop caring about all the things Ukraine did and be filled with blind hatred for one man. You know they're telling the truth when the whole war is about one good guy vs one bad guy!

you should care... being an agent of the satanic elite is kind of a big deal. if you yourself aren't satanic, you should have a problem with it... yes, his public persona is a little more socially conservative to appeal to Russians and to anti-establishment types- okay, still- we have a moral obligation to be opposed to these people and we shouldn't want to go along with being under the control system... troons weren't even a debate until very recently

yes, this is what I wanted to elaborate on- I'm not saying to support the Western elites.... I'm saying BOTH SIDES..... both sides are run by the same satanic elite... that is not supporting either side... but it isn't exactly news if I say Biden is crooked... almost no one here is a Biden supporter

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>troons weren't even a debate until very recently
Yes, thanks to the greatest man to ever live we were spared from the tranny menace for a few decades

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It is true to some degree. I don't hate trannies, I just feel sorry for them. They essentially hate their own selves the most, they hate who they are, who they were born as. But most of all that's really fucking childish, you have to accept yourself, you have to accept your fucking gender. If you can't accept the gender you were born as, how do you expect to people to take your seriously? You won't be any more happy then you are now if you cut your dick off and enter a boxing ring to fight women. It's very pathetic.

This is why I admire Vlad. He's not only a politician, he understands not only politics but psychology, sociology, military, art even economy to an admirable degree. He's a complete intellectual who can crack an actually funny joke, who can pretend something he isn't, who can act really well depending on the situation he's in. And he understands how shitty and cheesy this transgender trend really is.

Didn't read. Heil putin.

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exactly- instead of us ordinary people fighting each other it should be us ordinary people versus the elites.... but the masses continue to be brainwashed constantly and with new updates... covid hysterics are now standers with Ukraine... Trump cultists are now hailing Putin... it goes from one programmed narrative to the next


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Russia is fighting to restore democracy in Ukraine. They are trying to liberate Ukraine from the CIA. The CIA turned the country into a base used for biological weapons development, money laundering, and child sex trafficking.

wow, he is allegedly some great guy because he recognizes some basic truth everyone recognized twenty years ago.... and Hitler was controlled opposition too.... people here are constantly rallying against these fake opposition people

ok, now I'm convinced this board is full of shills being paid to promote Putin

yes and the Russian government is totally innocent? it's all just the Western governments? they are all run by the same people.

I don’t give a fuck if you like Putin

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I'm staunchly against homoism, that doesn't mean I support the controlled opposition guy named Putin

>who can crack an actually funny joke
I remember years ago somebody asked him a question he didn't want to answer so he started telling the guy he knew a good doctor if he wanted to get a circumcision. Probably a reference back to this theguardian.com/world/2002/nov/13/chechnya.iantraynor But I don't think it was y2k2.

this is interesting and reliant to US biolabs in ukraine back in 2014

>yes and the Russian government is totally innocent?
Can you name me ONE innocent government?

>I'm staunchly against homoism
Don’t believe you, faggot.

We knoooow
>Vladimir Shalomov

oh wow, he did some anti-homosexuality stuff.... so what? Stalin outlawed homosexuality in the USSR. do you support Stalin?

I think the modern ones are all controlled by the same people. Russia and US are run by the same elite. it is a puppet show.

I know a lot of people know but this board is full of pro-Putin stuff... I don't want people to side with the West... I want for people to do what is necessary which is reject both sides and go outside the entire controlled dialectic

>Stalin outlawed homosexuality in the USSR. do you support Stalin?
I would 100% support a fag hating Stalin instead of our troon enablers running our zog government

>watch me kill the shill with one easy trick
Talk about the other side. Tell me everything you know about the side opposing Putin. Lay a foundation that way.

You’re very bad at this. Seeget to it

yeah, I don't like Joe Biden either. but I also am not in favor of Stalinist communism just because Stalin outlawed homosexuality.

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that they're run by the same satanic elite as the other side. saying is crooked isn't some big revelation, that's why this isn't an anti-Biden thread. everyone already knows Biden is crooked.

Who? Give me some names and a rundown.

*saying Biden

>why are we discussing something that doesn't exist

Biden. Trudeau. Hillary. etc. Pizzagate is real.

Because nobody can prove that.

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What are those books they keep on the desk? Self-help? Dickens? I've noticed the British parliament does that too.

You’re just throwing out things that a shill would think anons might be receptive to. Unfortunately you’re very low and so this will not work. Give me rundowns on them. Give me a rundown on pizzagate if you’re not a total newfag it should be easy

If he was talking about forced vaccination he'd be the real shit. He's just a distraction OP is right.