Now that it’s proven the greatest political disinformation campaign of all time, the moon landing, was faked...

Now that it’s proven the greatest political disinformation campaign of all time, the moon landing, was faked, did Russia actually win the space race? That’s assuming space is even real, which is up for debate in itself

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those are the boots inside the outer suit

fake meme

Has Russia ever claimed to have won the space race?

The boots had some form of detachable metal shoes on top of them. Those are the ones that left the stripes

Unironically this???

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can they even get 30 miles away from their border without collapsing?

Also how does he have a space suit if he never went to space and it was all on a set, they would obviously just say his suit is the one used to make the footprint on set there wouldn’t be two different suits

They actually claimed that the moon landing was not a hoax because you can see American shit on the moon through a telescope.

fuck space

hey, retard

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The boots had an outer part that looks removable

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maybe they used more than one pair fucking retard

> OV VEY! That was close! Danger averted! Good thinking, Shlomo. Good thinking!

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There is so much better evidence and this is what is posted. I wish I was a glownigger so bad I'd run the fucking CIA in 18 months no cap.

Yeah, when even the Soviet Union says America did it, everyone needs to calm the fuck down. The fact of the matter is getting to the moon isn't the hard part, the hard part is getting out of the atmosphere with a human being. The Soviet Union did that first. We just sent up Buzz Aldrin to land a space craft on the moon because he could do it.

More Jewish tricks. The covers weren’t on the moon

>The moon landing is fake unless Russia did it
Go fuck yourself buddy

Space is a Jesuit fantasy propped up by Freemason actors.

Dumb fuck moon dust is radioactive they stripped the rubber off.

this looks so fake

>every ounce matters
>let’s just pack 50 extra pairs of shoes
The absolute state