How do we make 1st worlders to have more babies?

how do we make 1st worlders to have more babies?

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step 1: kill all women
step 2: genetically engineered waifus to replace them with something acceptable

That's a stupid idea. High populations create high crime rates and high prices.

We have the technology to sustain lower populations than in the past. We should limit those technologies to the DNA of the people who created them. We should ban all of Africa from food imports.

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micro loans to villages.

You can't. Women are too entitled and want to live like men. Men can't get pregnant to make up for the lack of women. Situation untenable.

forbid them from having babies

Women are already dead inside, it's man's job to put life into them.

im fine with robowaifus with artificial wombs too

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Only way to do it would to roll back women rights.
The mist important reason why women don't have kids anymore is because it competes with education and career

Child tax credits work here

we can't
contraception completely fucked up the birth rates
it can't be banned, might as well ban electricity at this point

Thank you, Dr. Solus. Very enlightening.

Yeah, works to get more niggers.

reduce the proportion of women who are educated

>he doesn't know

Niggers aren't people you can literally toss them in the trash nobody cares about them except dyejobs.

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Artificial wombs at this point.

This. If you have more than 1 kid you are literally an eco terrorist
>t. Father of 1 hapa son not even larping

Revoke universal suffrage
>Deport niggers
Ban birth control

That or fuck it, fake a war and draft the women. You'll see such a spike in birthrates that every last decrepit boomer starts dancing out of glee

stop delocating manufacturing to thirld world countries

Why not just fix the (((education)))? Modern women don't even know how to sew a button, they think google can give them that information on the fly. They refuse to educate themselves because their cup is already full of marxist public school trash.

Would have to involve some sort of deurbanization. Maybe normalize work from home where possible and encourage people to actually own land.
Granted, this would go against pretty much everything the Jewish occupation stands for, so it's not going to happen.

Stop giving 3rd worlders preferential treatment.

Outlaw feminism.

Fuck this shit I wish I was reborn inside that womb
(I'm black btw, but I wanna be white.)