Why do soldiers fight?

why do soldiers fight?
why dont they just refuse to fight? fucking retards
>"yeah im gonna kill people and risk my life so i can uhh make my leader happy!!!"
10 mins later
>"nooo war is so sad and bad i have ptsd now!!!"
all soldiers just refuse to fight, get along and be happy ez

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>why do soldiers fight?
russians get conscripted
>why dont they just refuse to fight?
if they do that they get shot

You're a tranny, you wouldn't understand

Priestly class (human sacrificing, not celibate christkuckery) > warrior class > merchant class > peasants

The obvious answer is brainwashing but the biggest redpill you'll ever have to accept is that people on the right-wing are motivated by sexual feelings. Violence, domination, war, hierarchy, forcing others into submission. It all turns them on. It gives them a genuine sexual thrill. Sucks. It's a hard thing for me to relate to but it's definitely true if you just look at the situation logically

get shot by who? they literally outnumber politicians they could just all refuse to fight but I guess the average ruski would rather die than live in his cold shithole

the penalty for desertion is death

>get shot by who?
the commissars

are ruskis actually retarded and enjoy being forced to war or dying

This is such bullshit. We have a volunteer army here in the USA. People are into it. People join it because they want to. Because it turns them on. Violence gets them hard. It's that simple. Pay attention, if you pry on army vets or people signing up for the military, they'll admit it. I went to college and people were signing up for the military and the military people were just looking for an excuse to murder without being prosecuted. Same goes for cops. They were twisted, primal people who enjoyed both dominance and submission. It was all sexual. All of it. Literally sexual.

>why dont they just refuse to fight? fucking retards
Because they are soldiers, they follow orders.
The same can be applied to soviet soldiers > why did they follow Stalin and invade/rape their slavic neighboors ? < They were soldiers, soldiers are like robots, they will just follow orders.
If the leader of the nation is good, the soldiers will proudly serve him in the army, if the leader is a "stalin" like, they will complain in secret but still will follow orders.

so they're cucks


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Done fighting honestly. No more point.

some soldiers have to fight because other soldiers choose to fight.

The thin red line question - who is it that's really killing us?

In a way, yes..
But as the user above stated " the penalty for desertion is death", that's a worldwide thing i think, here in the army in case of war if you say " no" to the mandatory draft you will be sent to jail or simply shot for being a " coward".

Los pelotudos estos no te van a dar buenas respuestas.

Its absolutely incredible just how few people actually understand conscription or how it could be the end of your life... people really are retarded user

Juju Bongo worship is hardcoded into the genes of normies.

sorry for living in a country where you dont get forced into the army kek

it happens sometimes. Military coup. The US military has been purging wrongthink for a few years (decades?) now to prevent that because it has been a real threat for a long time.

During the Vietnam draft, if you refused the draft directly (rather than dodging it or leaving the country), you got a trial and would at worst be hit with prison. It was considered a felony, you'd get a fine or jail time.

Although of course, deliberately and bluntly refusing the draft was mainly for people who wanted to have a fight over the draft. If you just wanted to not be drafted, there were better options.

Then there is the problem of psychotic normies never starting a mutiny and killing every big nosed fag causing histrionics. They prefer to die for Juju Bongo and harass everyone else that doesn't.

They try to weed those guys out during the interviews, but a few do end up in uniform. It's largely rural people who want an outdoorsy, adventurous job, people who have limited opportunities due to money or brains, people with patriotic impulsive actions, and people who come from military families joining so grandpa doesn't make fun of them.

There's a point at the end of every empire where the leadership is more scared of their own people than enemies. Usually it creates issues. Not very easy to play the grand chessboard if your pieces keep trying to slice your fingers off.

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I’m so mad that nothing in life makes sense to me anymore. But I like guns and I like to fight, I like the idea of getting money to kill people, that’s why I’m going to war when I finish college. Not joking.
If you’re happy jerking off and watching Netflix, that’s on you, boludo. I hope it stills make you happy when you’re 40 yo, because you know, we only live this life once.

The average normie is a blood thirsty killer, take abortion for example, many of them lack any sort of self-regflection. They feel sympathy (they are sad when you're sad) like animals but empathy (knowing what's its like to be in someone shoes) is a bit harder for them. I bet even the most vehement racist on here would cry after killing a little nigger kid. The average roastie kills her nigger spawn everyday.

>They try to weed those guys out during the interviews,
No they don't.
>but a few do end up in uniform.
All of them. Stop gaslighting, you fucking baby murdering sadist warmongering grunt.

Why are you asking such a dumb question, have centuries of history really gone over your head? Or are you just that young

russia has manadatory minimum service of a year for all male citizens