Name one thing arguably attributable to Jews that has been a net positive to mankind

Name one thing arguably attributable to Jews that has been a net positive to mankind

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fractional reserve banking?

supply chains
electronic payments

Theyrel like mosquitoes, everyone can come together peacefully to hate them

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You realize a LOT of the things that make your life good were invented by Jewish people, right? Per capita, Jewish people have contributed more to science, art and culture than any other demographic. Like, it's not even close.

The jewish piano

None of those are jewish idiot

>source: Jews

> Per capita, Jewish people have contributed more to science,
Kek no, only if you include the last 70 years they have gotten into positions of power here that they can promote each other
> art
>and culture
Yeah here they have, and not to the benefit of Europeans tho


nazism, mischlings are the only savour retarded goy have. if only fischer was around today

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The magic bullet

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Epic cope. Western culture was literally built and driven by devotion to a Jewish prophet. That alone means Jewish people are responsible, in part, for European achievements, even if they were not directly involved. And that's ignoring the ones that they were directly involved in.

Creation of America.

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Literally nothing

Unless you consider judaism, christianity, and islam good lmfao

But if they were so good why are they full of threats for not believing?

I'll bite
Wats dat ?

The United States of America.

I like bagels

> Western culture was literally built and driven by devotion to a Jewish prophet.
No western culture existed before that religion was invented, but yes sadly it infected europe and changed it profoundly, that’s why I said they did affect western culture

well I wasn’t gonna originally but after this comment I’m gonna remove “Australians” off this very short list I have made at OP’s request

Found the Jew!

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The Messiah is Jewish.

uhhhhh... they die when you shot them

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>sadly it infected europe and changed it profoundly
90% of European achievements came after Christianity. The Hellenes and Romans actually didn't do much more than was already done for thousands of years in the Levant (where Jewish people's homeland is not-so-coincidentally located).

lmao what kind of country is that the bitches from there be mad ugly ayo

That's true. At least they aren't vampires. You need blessed silver melted into bullets to put vampires down and only if you shoot them in the heart uwu

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Hatred of christ

Good one.

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Oh, and American Dad and Family Guy

But fuck the simpsions, when to shit a long time ago