Nuclear winter is always mentioned as a consequence of nuclear war...

Nuclear winter is always mentioned as a consequence of nuclear war. Why did the extensive testing of nuclear weapons after WWII not cause a nuclear winter?

Does it require the detonation of a large amount of nuclear weapons in a short period of time (such as a full-scale nuclear war) to cause a global climate change?

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It happens because of the smoke from cities post-bombing (assuming a first strike type attack) blotting out the sun, not particularly because of nukes.

the area is limited and it does require lot of detonation simultaneously.
basicaly enough material in the form of dust needs to be thrown into the upper atmosphere to block the sun.
the same phenomenon can be seen from volcano eruptions.

there will be first strike, and then perhaps a second provided there is still enough infrastructure left. after that, the world will go quiet. there will be no nuclear winter. if you managed to stay alive, and have at least a 95+ IQ, you'll live. albeit, no well, but you'll live.

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First strike would be counterforce not enough buildings for a jet stream plume.

Holy fuck, its beautiful.

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nukes aren't real

I got special clothing that lasts and high quality boots. next up is to make car tire shoes and hemp fibre underwear ffs.

I think in most tests bombs exploded at a few km from the ground, which is how the bomb releases all its power, but at the same time it minimizes the amount of dust raised

Sometimes (I think by the french) they were also tested in the middle of the ocean

Nagasaki and Hiroshima are both still inhabited.
Nuclear winter is a psy-op.

Because... It just didn't ok!

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>Nagasaki and Hiroshima are both still inhabited.
radiation zero then, they were fuel bombs

Nuclear winter is fake and gay.

Russia and the US each only have about 1600 deployed warheads not counting tactical weapons, the big fear of nuclear winter was back when each side had 40,000-50,000 and they were much higher yield to make up for low accuracy.

There will 100% be a nuclear winter from full commitment nuclear strike, bringing with it Global famine. The crux of nuclear winter is based upon Notion that thousands of nuclear weapons detonating at the same time will push massive amounts of particulate high into the stratosphere, The reason you didn’t see this happen with the testing was most of the low altitude tests were not very big and the vast majority of above ground testing was done at high altitude, generating no soot or high levels of a particulate. Bare minimum expect 2 to 3 years of global crop failure after a full commitment nuclear war

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stfu retard

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>full commitment nuclear war
And that's where you're wrong. Both the US and Russia only maintain what's called "minimum credible deterence" nowadays. SeeAny nuclear strike would be rather limited in nature, due to the fact that you need to be able to still keep up your deterence, to conduct follow-on strikes etc.
The times where both sides had hundreds of targets layered ten warheads deep are long over.

All nuclear tests have basicslly been in the ocean, the desert or some arid arctic shithole. Imagine a couple of thousand burning cities and global wildfires, that is the idea. Nobody really knows what would happen but i think its likely it would ruin farming completely for at least a year.

No there’s still more than enough nuclear weapons to cause a nuclear war, The US maintains over 6000 nuclear warheads Connected to some type of delivery system, Russia has between 7000 8000 warheads that are also fully deployable

Your average nuclear weapon is about 800,000 Mt

As per its March 2019 START decleration, the US has 1365 warheads deployed on 656 delivery systens. Russia has 1588 warheads deployed.

>Your average nuclear weapon is about 800,000 Mt
You're retarded.

That's about 5 orders of magnitude bigger than the Tsar, which is already several orders bigger than anything that could be reasonably used.

why is a grain of sand not a beach?

>Why did the extensive testing of nuclear weapons after WWII not cause a nuclear winter?
because it was one nuke every couple of years or so?
Nuclear winter is caused by thousands of nukes going off at once all over the globe you retard

It requires uncontrolled burning of cities, grasslands and forests. The US tested in the desert and the Pacific Ocean. Presumably the Soviets tested in equally desolate locations.

>not knowing how scale works
>a few smaller bombs
>vs everyone offloading most of their arsenals

It’s the idea of most of the world being set on fire at the same time.

Tired of patrolling the Mojave desert in the heat?

>Why did the extensive testing of nuclear weapons after WWII not cause a nuclear winter?
It did in some way.. A silent epidemic of cancer, but this was mainly blamed on tobacco use.

Attached: cancer-rises-linearly-since-first-nuclear-tests.jpg (596x414, 32.74K)

Putin is time to do it you fucking coward bitch, I want to go with a Bang!

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