Anglo/pol/ - English politics

A thread for discussion about English politics.
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inb4 spastics and incels

Time to go at it alone lads. Welsh lads welcome, rest can fuck off.

I like it.

First for /teamjosh/

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OP already posted mate

>hitler is aryan

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Seethemeister will ruthlessly expose samefaggers. Just don't do it.

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inb4 internet hardmen that couldn't fight sleep
i'll batter the fucking lot of ya

I wish all the pyop'd spastics that support Ukraine go and fight. Having listen to them grandstanding noncommittal bullshit is tiresome.
Fuck off then, Go fight idiots.

You couldnt batter a mars bar

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im muscular yet slim and handsome


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Go fight for Russia

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Can we actually keep it as Anglo/pol/ pr just Eng/pol/ dont care about scots or irish. Welsh can come tho.

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>supports Russia
You're a literal le pol face I'm against the current thing meme
Grow up brincel

>we execute josh at dawn
more like handbags at dawn you gaggle of rabid geese
like a bunch of old women I tell ya

I almost forgot about the phrase brincel for a moment, we need to make sure we use it more often lads. And it's many variations.



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i say that but i don't look like that

I hate the welsh so much it hurts.

Brinnies on suicide watch

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why does britpol call cauldron a femboy?

ill put you in a headlock then seethemeister and the other brinnies can take turns kicking you up the arse

>i say that but i don't look like that

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Because they've not seen a picture?

This is anglo/pol/ m8, dunno what youre on about

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So you support America having proxy bullshit commie faggot governments in Europe?
I don't support Russia.
Im not retarded enough to pick a side given "America" are our alleged "allies".
Supporting Ukrainians against impossible odds and ushing them on to certain death is absolutely pathetic.
Grow up, Traitor.

i refyse ti take part in thi thread thi spost has diplomatic immunity


Its a new beginning my English brothers, we are free now.

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pube has backed out of moving to runcorn
he has once again
not turned up

Fuk of foren cunt

the greekfag who created all these memes eternally BTFO'd the brinnie

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Wish we had english flags tho

reputation: damaged beyond repair
the shepdog has been taken out back like yellow

And Ukranian Nazis have bioweapons labs and a plan to genocide Russians

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fuck up pastanigga

You've managed to say NOTHING during your angry little post lad, go to bed. It's getting late.
Important poll

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Jannies are not gonna be able to take that epic bants OP this thread will be deleted by the seething tranners


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brit/pol/ is dead
long live anglo/pol/

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Mate just go to the toilet and have a wank, the general isn't gonna know. You'll still get paid the same.

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your dad plays world of tanks

you fuckin compromised ya wonderbread wop
bet you eat your sunday gravy out of a jar

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Samefagging almost reaching critical levels in this thread. Monitoring the situation and action will be taken if the offender persists.

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Go fight for gay rights in Ukraine.

your dad plays world of wanks with little kids

Scots, Irish and Yanks seething because they will never be Anglo

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It should be uk/pol/ to remind the Irish


University memes are actually real lads, grim place. Fucking hate it.
Zero frens made in the first year, tragic. But the classes are generally full of weird childish normies.

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You wish

I wanted to be white... I compromised... I didn't become british

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you sound like a pedo

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night lads xxxxxxxx

Not to say I'm not weird but there are degrees and I'm not too scared of hiding it.


if i was i'd be the first to kick my head in

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Yeah you fuck off, nonce

See you at dawn, buddy.
Goodnight wannabe pube

same. it was based when they gave us separate flags on /sp/ for the world cup.

Nice pic of Patriotic Alternative.

Don't know what you're talking about m80, this is Anglo/pol/


anything patriotically English will set off a glowie shitstorm
i think we are supposed to just fuck off and die

Sadly not gonna happen here, if only.

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Its been decided.

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ay tone dis guy keeps postin memes about britain
ehy i know, i think dis guy's half a fanook or sumtin

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Exciting QT tonight, lads
Rare appearance of our Attorney General

Wales is part of England.

One night I stayed too late posting on britpol and when I went to sleep the word brincel kept repeating in my mind.

I felt like joshy was in me edd

Seethie foaming at the mouth in rage on a THURSDAY NIGHT kek, he's got me chuckling away.

fucking loser go back to brit/pol/

Better than having him in some other part of you

How long until British culture revolves around BAMEs?

You cunts really bought into this? I suppose it's more inclusive to non Brits of anglo descent, but still...