Eourpe is fucked

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they want to kill all white people

Fucked by black cocks to be precise.

When they all get there you guys should all move to Africa

Race war 2023

>half of africa is headed to europe

the chaos will be glorious.

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Based. When they get there, I hope they burn it all to the ground. Fuck the EU.

Sink their boats. Niggers are entitled to one thing: death.

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Is this Chinese warfare


let them in western europe can afford it

lmao good luck Moroccans don't really love them.

I got good news, they’re coming for your island.

no honestly eurofags are cucks and won't do shit just like russians but russians are even more cucks


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>they want to kill all white people
They will kill all white people, as white people no longer have the will to live

Russia has space

You know half of them want to reach the UK, yeah?

That's the plan!

>Those niggers wouldn't want to invade Europe
>if it weren't for those damn chinese

China is your boogeyman so you can externalize your own failures instead of taking ownership

Good, as long as women can't outrun them I'm fine with it

How about just agreeing to a swap?

I think there are enough niggers to flood all european countries Sven Svensen

I hope all 500 million comes to Norway, because Norwegians deserve it.
I will enjoy reading online about how everything is going to shit in the cities because of 68 IQ niggers.

WW3 would be the perfect occasion to exterminate all niggers

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I hope they all drown to their deaths.

It has nothing there
Just embty country with dangerous animals

Propply but they gonna win, dont forgot that they can growth numbers so fast.

>hating women so much you want to genocide your own race to get rid of them


Holy fuck. Imagine tiny Europe being the new Africa and giant Africa being the new Europe. After a while niggers will get unhappy and demand Africa lets them in

This is probably the best solution. Unmarked boats going out and sinking their dingies. I would bet after hearing stories about the 10k that drowned, many wouldnt risk it.

they won't they are brought in by proffessionals paid by soros and all the ONG's they only solution is civil war and total extermination of niggers on the entire globe track them in their houses and decapitate them

So half of the population of the continent will move? Why not just have all the white people go to Africa and actually attempt to farm there?

How are they refugees and not migrants?

what's Morocco's relation with Tunisia, Libya and Egypt?

please leave some for our swedebros too

How about we all move to Australia and make it a pure white state.

You know it.

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Op is a massive faggot

Germany, UK, noridc countries
The rest of eourpe is just white Africa

Neutral, Morocco has bad relations with Spain and algeria

how many bullets does eu have

how are they migrants and not invaders?


Once there’s 2+ billion Africans by 2100 this will happen. Mostly due to lack or food and ground water reserves being used up because nigs are retarded. Europe will have to shoot them on site to stop a literal stampede

Should reconsider that and make an alliance for Northern Africa. I always wondered why the lack of war for subsaharan Africa, when you guys are more competent militarily and your countries are more developed in every sense.

Most of them can't even afford boat tickets.

it's literally a full blown invasion it fits perfectly the definition of invasion

nice, more black babies for every european woman

Single-handedly pushed back 100,000 migrants at the border with Turkey.

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but what's the alternative to women?

Poorland is accepting only white slavs. rest of refugees can go to Germany


White people require snow. Nobody wants to live in that garbage heat. We didn't evolve for that shit.

i often think about this, when water and food become scarce and rare we will eventually have to exterminate niggers, they are basically just consuming food and water that humans could eat

we are ZOG our governements are controlled by jews unfortunately

How long would it take before the nigs are swarming back to Africa as "refugees"?

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Stay strong Poland. You guys need to leave EU. Pulaski Day is Best Holiday

Does that also include Moroccans?

As of now, our median wages are below 300$/month, common to third world. And we have no gibs. And you can not live in the streets. You know, they have it better ay home.

I know
Someone made it easy for them

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Because that's what parasites do

When I Google'd the title I couldn't find the article. You're not pulling a glowie psyop, are you OP? ;^)

The sweet release of death