>Hollywood has put its wishful thinking on full display by casting Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) in a cameo role as the president of Earth in the season four finale of Star Trek: Discovery on Paramount+.

>Stacey Abrams appears in the episode’s climactic scene as the president of United Earth, the borderless government that rules over the entire planet. In the episode, she declares Earth as part of the interplanetary Federation.

Attached: stacey-abrams-star-trek-discovery-640x480.jpg (640x480, 30.59K)

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...Mmmmmm Hmmm

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She ate all the ship's food and everyone starved to death. End of fagtrek and end of fat bitch.

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>plot twist
she will be the planet earth

she looks like shes about to cry

>President of Earth
So that's like Mayor of Washington DC.

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Welcome to Erf

"We Can Replace Them"
"In Georgia, a chance to rebuke white nationalism."
"By Michelle Goldberg"

She grew up on Trek like every other liberal who thinks communism leads to a utopian paradise. Star Trek has been communist propaganda from the very beginning. It was created by two Jews.

Fat Bitch is a Soros Puppet. They are just getting her ready like they did Zelensky

Attached: Stacey Abrams with Alex Soros.jpg (490x367, 27.94K)

Literally who cares? The kind of nigger faggots who consume this garbage are already 100% NPC, what's the problem with letting them see their favorite obese bucktoothed nigger pretend to be important and respected?

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>Literally who cares?
everyone should care. Soros propped up Zelensky and had him act in a show as a President. Now Soros is doing the Same with this fat nigger bitch

USA going full speed, hands off, to down town mongo town

They cast the fake governor of Georgia as the fake president of Earth. Brilliant.

More people are in this thread right now than STD's viewership

Show me a real news piece with proof, not a schizo's opinion blog.


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Stacy Abrams a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and attended Bilderberg in 2019. She had a failed gubernatorial election campaign in Georgia, but has "served" in the Georgia House of Representatives.

It's pretty uncommon, but not unheard of, that a local politician who isn't a governor gets invited to join the Council on Foreign Relations. But for some local state representative and failed gubernatorial candidate to be invited to the Bilderberg Group? That's pretty strange. They seem to have some big plans for her in the future.

I actually read one of the articles she wrote for the CFR's official magazine Foreign Affairs. She was arguing with another CFR member about the need to double down on more anti-white identity politics while he was stressing that they needed to reemphasize civil nationalism to stem the tide of anti-globalist sentiment among the general public.

Abrams, Stacey (USA), Founder and Chair, Fair Fight
Adonis, Andrew (GBR), Member, House of Lords
Albers, Isabel (BEL), Editorial Director, De Tijd / L'Echo"

"Elliott Abrams
Stacey Y. Abrams
William M. Abrams"

Attached: Foreign Affairs - CFR.png (664x279, 89.49K)

>they're just outright putting politicians into mass media now
yikes looks like even the kikes are done with the facade and they're done even trying to pretend to pander to anyone, it's just straight up propaganda, USSR style

that only worked on hohols because they're retarded, no way it could work on Americ-

Holy fuck they're setting her up to be POTUS in 2024 aren't they?

Star Trek died with DS9. Fuck niggers and kikes.

>Show me a real news piece with proof, not a schizo's opinion blog.
Im guessing Abrams pictured with Soros son:
and funded by him isnt good enough? 500k form Soros:
You wont find this info on MSM-propaganda outlets you fool, they are fucking liars

Isn't all this Star Trek stuff supposed to happen a couple of centuries in the future? Why is there fat people then?

>Holy fuck they're setting her up to be POTUS in 2024 aren't they?
100% they are doing that. Soros already has a puppet in office with Kamala, see picrel

Attached: Kamala with Alex Soros.jpg (1300x763, 154.16K)

Not progressive enough. I want a full retard as president of the earth.

Our obesity rates have doubled in 10 years. At this rate everybody will be huge in the future. WALL-aE and comic Judge Dredd were the only media that got this right.

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I mean, in the future they should have the tech to prevent obesity at a molecular level.

She looks like a demon

Yeh, but it was more Kolomoyski than Soros with US tier election fraud