I took the poison back in june when I didn't know better. One dose of supposedly non-mRNA chink vaccine...

I took the poison back in june when I didn't know better. One dose of supposedly non-mRNA chink vaccine, no side effects so far but I want to know for sure. I'm willing to do whatever medical studies required to finally know if the non-mRNA vaccines like sinopharm are as dangerous as the mRNA ones like pfizer. What I want to know is what should I ask for? besides D-Dimer.

Attached: normal side effects.jpg (1200x675, 200.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:


no refunds

> bro
> fill in the blanks
> you can literally put anything in vaccines
> anything
> as long as its
> we literally put mercury in vaccines
> who.int/teams/health-product-policy-and-standards/standards-and-specifications/vaccines-quality/thiomersal

> oh dude but its only trace amounts dude
> its only trace amounts™ dude
> trust the plan dude
> you don't even have to think for yourself dude

> Watch documentary: "Trace amounts" (2014)


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Yeah I know and I accept my mistake, this is mostly for the curiosity.

That means its working

Yes, but the mercury residue is in literally every vaccine. If you ever had any vaccine, you were likely poisoned by it. I'm interested in potential dangerous contents of the covid vax specifically, like graphene. What study for I ask for to detect graphene in my body?

*should I ask for

I have relatives that took the chink vaccine and didn't have any side effect. The needle was ridiculously short. We suspect it's just placebo.

Based German bro. I think I saw you in another thread a few days ago spreading the word. Keep up the good work.

Just want to add a personal anecdote
>never had the flu in my life
>got the flu """vaccine""" on a whim one year in college
>later in the year got the flu
>every year since then have gotten the flu and it seems to get worse everytime
Don't take my word for it though, please everyone do your own research before injecting anything into your body. There's too many hack doctors to take their word at face value.

You know the movie the Machinist?

> shizo
Let me show you something about Mercury.
And general metal poisoning.
> its neurotoxic
> beeing exposed to certain metals
> fucks up your nevours system
> mercury, lead, kobalt, bismuth, arsenic and shit
> you know
> picrel
> "mad like a hatter"
> the "mad hatter disease"
> metal poisoning
> remember all the Mental Asylums that popped up in the 19th century
> the mental asylum industry
> you should take a look at
> picrel

> tfw you never know who you really are
> tfw your porsonalty is downgraded by mercury
> tfw your life quality is downgraded by mercury
> tfw your autism is incresed
> your IQ lowerd
> you never have been you
> you always have been a human resource

Attached: mad_hatter_disease.png (640x4616, 2.48M)

It's possible but there's no harm in making sure.

He made a talk about
> Vaccine Adjuvant Induced Inflamation in 2017

> More old Videos
> He dead
> he got to loud
> they killing the loudest voices

In germany "all of a sudden our loudest voice" got cancer
> he will die for sure
> the war is distraction

Watch it before it gets removed.

The thing that is about to come is worse than the bookburnings.

Attached: he_dead.png (900x1992, 1.48M)

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Oh yes, be assured that after this fucking shitshow i'm never getting another vaccine in my life, for anything. And I'm distrustful of doctors in general. But I don't know even basic first aid so I kind of depend on them for some thing.

> But I don't know even basic first aid so I kind of depend on them for some thing

Then you are fucked either way.
No vaccine ever worked.
> never
> its all to get personalty modulating toxins in to you.

> But where did all the diseases came from?
> humans poisoned humans
> since 700 years
> poisoned the wells
> later snake oil
> then pesticides
> then vaccines
> NO VACCINE EVER showed effectiveness.
Its all smoke and mirrors
> to get you vaxxinated
> watch the provided documentaries
> read podesta mail
> ask yourself why the vaccine should not be shaken

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Press L to laugh at this complete NPC

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Didn't get pfizer. My country was one of the only ones to reject that specific vaccine early on. At first I didn't know why, but now I understand. Kinda weird that our corrupt government would protect us from that poison, broken clock theory?. Only russian and chink vaccines available at first. I remember some retards went all the way to miami to get the pfizer, heh.

Had both my pfizer shots over 7 months ago no side effects at all

If it wears off like they claim it does you should be fine, eat healthy and dont get jabbed again

Remember that schizos from this board have been repeating the same narrative for months.
>you will get aids
>you will die in two weeks
>you will have blood clots (actually happened on trials of some shit vaccines)
Use your fucking brain, everyone around you is vaccinates, how many people you know that has suffered damage from the vaccine?
People need to invent this shit to add thrill to their lives, they call themselves "purebloods", that's some Harry Potter reddit tier cringe

You mongoloid retard.
In all vaccines is crap.
> its not a immunisation
> you get culled
> you just have the choice pick the poison
> you fucking retard

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Vaccine made my dick bigger

As long as it's not pfizer nothing will go wrong, well maybe with chink vaccines something can go wrong. Only options in my country are sputnik and astra zeneca anyways. No idea why you would take chink vaccines when your country is the only one in south america producing vaccines

The government needs you to keep waging so they can keep taxing, all governments do. Also pfizer is garbage

how do you repair damaged neurons from jabs (even non-mRNA)? mushrooms?

> reddit tier cringe
that's rich coming from a plebbit migrant who wasn't even here last june

Get boosted
Then get checked for HIV

> how do you repair damaged neurons from jabs (even non-mRNA)? mushrooms?
fuck me. the cope is real. keep 'em coming faggots

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> Vaccine make you like bigger dick

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lmao did you just call me a muggle? ignorant piece of shit i've been here for decades, even before I started fucking your mom to bring you into existence

I get checked for std/sti every 3 months and got none. Also had covid and dont need boosters

you must be over 18 to post here

>make mistake once for lack of information
>complete npc
So you're telling me you never in your life got a vaccine? polio? tetanus? nothing? your parents just taking you because they don't know better? After a lifetime of it being "normal" some people like me didn't have the complete picture. This is censored information, you need to know where to look, and no doctor or almost anyone will tell you the truth, even those you consider good people and with no reason to do you any harm. At least I know now, a little late maybe.

Actually a neighbor died from a heart attack, no idea which vaccine though. It was recently.

You're already dead

If you're Dutch, you're not much.

Cope chink colony

> I dindu know better
> I fell for the kike tricks
> I was busy playing faggotball and vidya
You are the prime example of the fucking NPC meme

Just don't be worried, if you choose to believe in the schizos just don't get another vaccine. And remember this has been said for every vaccine that was ever created

I'm surprised you even have internet in that shithole country. Remember that posting the garbage you post is privilege

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> And remember this has been said for every vaccine that was ever created
So why the fuck are shitting up the board with your retarded thread? You failed the IQ test. What's worse you assisted to the roll-out of medical tyranny and further the globohomo agenda. No refunds. You deserve every fucking side effect and the neurosis from not know what you got injected with.

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I don't think you should be too too worried in terms of health, this whole scam doesn't seem to me to have been designed to mass kill people, it was the premise maybe, the whole point was to cross the Rubicon of social credit systems in the west, and they did, the experiment was to see if you could effectively create a situation in the west where people would accept state sponsored coercion into approved behavior even at the cost of accepting a de facto giving up of private property of your own body at the cost of being remotely "disabled".

That's rich coming from a pseudo-Italian monkey who lives in a country that collapses every other year.