Why are polish women so wholesome?

Im dating one for a few months now and shes the best girl ive had. Blue eyes blonde hair extremely beautiful but completely trad. Makes me food, packs me lunches, cleans my place, buys me gifts. Shes smart as fuck too works for a high-paying job. Something doesn’t add up. Are pole girls all like this?

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>Im dating one for a few months now and shes the best girl ive had. Blue eyes blonde hair extremely beautiful but completely trad. Makes me food, packs me lunches, cleans my place, buys me gifts. Shes smart as fuck too works for a high-paying job. Something doesn’t add up. Are pole girls all like this?

Look at that guy and do not try to laugh as he made the biggest mistake in his life.

backing this statement.

He's a leaf. Laugh at this miserable faggot.

Are you going to vaccinate her with Trudeau's elixir?

>date foreigners
>completely trad

left look retard

>laugh at this miserable faggot

shes made my life 10x better what are you seething about?

>biggest mistake
Slav girls are gross. Slavs are the compliment to Asians; the men are good and the women are not.

Bro, their brown anuses are nasty af.
Also they wont fuck the same guy twice, they'll seek a new one, preferably black or indian.

Oh sweet summer child...

whats up with all the blogposts about women lately
1) nobody fucking cares
2) dont ask Any Forums for advice

stupid dumb westerners have such fucked societies, that they get perplexed when they see normality

stop it with the muh trad eastern euros
and get back to the western way


Listen, buddy, I'd do anything for you too if the alternative was to sleep with p*lish """men""". Imagine the perpetual, everlasting seething and bitching 24/7.

When you realise their thigh goes right into their ankles. Its like they are missing a body part

Posts old roasties instead. Feminist brainwashing did wonders.

Any Forums is the best for advice *if you reason through what you get.*
Listing to advice from Any Forums and /sci/ is why I make 6 figures working from home.

Oh man I lived in miami am there were a few. Bro they were bbc fiends

In my town they are mostly older Polish women in their late 30s or 40s, with Polish husbands
I visit London and Birmingham and all the young Polish girls I hear speaking in the streets are with black or paki boyfriends

HVSSAR cum does that to a woman

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Polish woman are wholesome. They will take care of you. My babcia is 75 and she still packs me lunch everyday for university and yells at me for not wearing a jacket when its cold outside. I love my babcia.

As soon as that ring is on their finger, they will show their true face. Polish women are traditional HOWEVER they will make you pay for those trad qualities every second for the rest of your life once youve tied the knot. Beware

Typical polish feet vs normal ones. freaks me out

Attached: Slav feet.jpg (400x300, 24.37K)