Russia is the child porn capital of Europe

Russia is the child porn capital of Europe.

Attached: Russia.jpg (1080x1350, 460.22K)

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Like America

So what's the current situation like

Vatnik shill are all pedophiles

Their economy has gotten much much worse, so I wouldn't be surprised if it went to #1 in the world.

yeah and also ukraine

Putin and his puppet Medvedev were ruling Russia in 2011.


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just for you kike boy

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and Ukraine is the second-highest, what's your point
exchange rate doesn't measure the internal economy
how are your gas, oil, nickel, wheat, and neon prices going?

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Funny all the pedophiles came out to defend Russia.

You can't say for certain if a skinny person is healthy, but a fat person is definately unhealthy.
You can't say for certain if an economy is healthy if it's currency retains its value, but an economy going through huge inflation is definately in serious trouble.

Haven't come across a single cp video It it a meme or real?

Ukraine too. Look it up.

AoC in Mexico is like what, 12? Same with Japan or at least it used to be lol

In Haiti they just straight up rape kids and avoid jail time by marrying the kid

>Russia is pedo
>according Washington DC

>2nd largest producer
So which country is the largest producer?

> Russia is the second largest producer of internet child pornography in the world after the United States
Oh, hahaha

wtf i love russia now

Age of consent laws are all Jewish inventions

i love little russian girls so much bros it's unreal

and little ukrainian girls

Literal child prostitution was legal up to the 1980s.

i thought Amsterdam was both the criminal and the child porn capital of Europe
what changed?



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Yes, famously (((raygold))) was on the FBI most wanted list for many years before being taken off after he fled to Israel. He is a U.S. citizen and prolific producer of child porn in post Soviet Russia.

What's the 1st largest?


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Post tits, roastie

nothing, it probably still is they're just good at covering it up

>it's degenerate to like girls during their prime breeding age instead of by the time they've turned into roasties with miles of a thousand different dicks in them making them incapable of loving their husband as a good wife and mother
do you even think before you parrot off your jewish feminist programming? young girls were married off for thousands of years because it creates a healthy society

you're not supposed to question things, just read the headline and remember that russia bad

>fled to Israel
every time

The degeneracy is the porn. Clearly females should be married off at like 13 or 14 to guys around age 18 to 20. Women are mostly immature their entire lives so there isn't much point in prolonging it.

>The degeneracy is the porn
well yes, obviously. loving young girls is not the same as loving child porn
there would likely be little to no child porn if we lived in a society where young girls were married off early, as it would lead to much less degeneracy all around

as this user saysIt's the porn and whoring of kids that is the problem. Females should be married off in their teens and males at an older age. The current year morality is completely degenerate.