If Putin loses to Ukraine what are the options of him just saying "fuck it" and dropping nukes on the whole country as...

If Putin loses to Ukraine what are the options of him just saying "fuck it" and dropping nukes on the whole country as a middle finger to the EU.

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He'll nuke london first i assure you

That’s what USA did to Japan in 1945
So it’s possible


He won't lose. God wills it!

The egotism of men is a certain thing.
Wounded pride makes for a hell of a ride.

He wont "lose", he will glass ukraine before admitting defeat.

If this isn't Jews playing wag the dog 80%

Wag the dog 5%

I hope so starting with Klaus Schwab's residence. Ukraine has been captured since 2014.

pls nuke california.

He wont lose. No Russia. No world.
He loses. We all lose.
God bless Imperial Tsar Putin!

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You misspelled Israel

I've thought about this to be honest... if any western country was to be targeted it'd likely be the UK. Very influential and wealthy, but very small landmass, maximum devastation possible from one nuclear warhead. Feels bad to be a bong right now.

>Russia declares it has 1600 working nukes (rest are in storage)
>Their military spending wouldn't be enough even to maintain all 1600 nukes if it would be spent 100% on nukes
>Huge corruptions, probably 50-70% of spending are taken by oligarchs
>In reality, Russia has 50-100 working nukes
>Spend them all in Ukraine as fuck you
>Get nukes to oblivion with no defence in retaliation by whole western world
>Western russia vassalized and has rest of the nukes taken away/destroyed
>Siberia taken by Chinese
>surviving russian girls suck dick for 5 euro in European and Chinese brothels
Please let it happen

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>If Putin loses to Ukraine
Are you retarded or just high on twitter propaganda? Or are you expecting NATO to intervene after the clear signal to them when 200 redditors got blasted 20km away of Polish border? Kek

There’s such a thing as anti nuclear warheads though

I guess the fear of nuclear war is quite frightening to a lot of people but it seems pretty crazy and extreme to me there would have to be more outright full frontal assaults before this happens

He can't lose its impossible

No, lol. Ukraine isn't some impulsive action. It has been brewing since the early 2000s. He wants Ukraine, the oil, the land, the crops, everything. He did it now because the US leadership is weak.

People shouldn't belittle and treat Putin like a retard. He calculated this and everything is going according to plan. No, he doesn't care about Russians dying.

>If Putin loses to Ukraine

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> saying "fuck it" and dropping nukes on the whole country
The RED BUTTON IN THE SUITCASE is a meme, before nukes are dropped they have to pass the approval of the long list of generals and the nukes themselves are launched by ordinary Ivans sitting in Topol launcher machines.
Are all these people schizo enough to destroy the whole planet? I don’t think so.

Is this some reddit fanfiction? Russia wont lose btw. You must be retarded to think ukraine actually stand a chance

Anybody who says no to him gets a bullet and someone gets a promotion to push the button.

>get a bullet
>get a nuclear ICBM dropped on you, obliterating you and your loved ones instantly
gee I wonder what they would pick

> gets a promotion to push the button.
Oh wow, promotion will help so much when earth is barren wasteland and him being dead
Retard. Even russians aren't this stupid

Russia is running out of supplies to expand further, while Ukraine has most of the world is feeding them replenished weapons and supplies to make sure they win.

Look at what happens when people say no in North Korea. You really are at the mercy of your government when they want something done.