Thoughts on 80s and 90s rebulican "witchcraft" scare

Like seriously 80s/90s republicans have to be some of the dumbest people ever. They actually thought dungeons and dragons and metal music were sources of witchcraft.

What do you think of this Any Forums?

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Tipper Gore is Al Gore's wife

the "scare" was just misdirection from the satantic pedo cult embedding itself into our government.

stop making threads about this.
satanism is very real and it's filled with pedophiles that work in government jobs.

Yeah, it's almost as if the boomers had no real problems to worry about.

meds! now!

Attached: Screenshot 2021-12-03 at 10-39-08 Berlin authorities placed children with pedophiles for 30 years DW 15 06 2020.png (885x1217, 588.84K)

overblow from real shit

Well looking at it from the outside it seemed like it was a plot to ridicule the last vestiges of american Christianity into irrelevance.

I wonder who could have been behind it?

why are you like this?
you really need to stop before i send somebody.

Well based on current society, was the slippery slope argument really wrong? Seems pretty accepted now...

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People were shocked that Samus was revealed to be a woman back then. Packing her entire body into the confines of a tight ball did not. Why?

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We were actually lectured about Satanism and "sects" in school in the 90s. "Sects" were not only supposedly everywhere, but they also forced you to join them, gangstalked you, and gave you "drugs" so that you became pliable and willing to have "sex with beautiful women" in the woods.
Our crazy teacher had us read an allegedly true story about some fine, upstanding Christian boy - let's call him "Jonathan" - who had been invited by his friend to join his "club" (sect). I think they sacrificed a cat or some shit, thus Jonathan got scared and told said sect-friend that he did not wish to attend any more such meetings. "M8 u wot u're fooking cumin every week or ill smash yer fookin face in", his friend replied, and proceeded for forcefully drug him. Jonathan came to two days later, with a vague recollection of having sex with two naked models at night in the forest - clearly, a Candice Swanepoel or a Charlotte McKinney would have nothing better to do than to fuck fat, drugged-up spergs in the forest, after all.
The lesson then concluded with us having to write up a step-by-step guide on how we would help our own Jonathan to escape such a sect.

because back then it was still accepted that women on the front lines of combat was a fucking terrible idea

Eh, lurk moar faggot. It's been pretty much confirmed the "Satanic panic" was real by revelations about the Finders cult. D&D and music were used as a distraction from the real Satanic shit.

>Seems pretty accepted now...
Satanists (kikes) getting statues of the devil put up along side nativity scenes has already happened.
oh, they don't choose a time for themselves, they must have their display during Christmas or Easter only. And they get it, because reasons

Why not literal objectification?

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3pbp /thread


I think there's only 1 post by this ID.

A satanic cult rules our world right now. Only a profoundly retarded fool would think that the 80s and 90s blood cults and murders were not the growing pains of that takeover.

They were told to think that as a distraction so the pedo elites could keep going.
Fake outrage over nothing meant to discredit and overshadow actual inquiries.

The old people were right. D&D is for autistic people who often go on to play Warhammer and transition into totally non-passing troons

The D&D and metal shaming were to muddy the waters. Same with making an X-Files episode about it. This way they associate the entire idea of satanism with works of fiction and games. They attempted to do this a few years back by using the Yuri video in a Call of Duty trailer. Learn their tactics bro.

Old school d&d was the shit, I still have the first edition books in a box somewhere.

but they are, user. same with anal sex.

>every weapon does 1d4 damage
>daggers can attacks twice per round
What a system.

I don't see a problem with children playing children's games. However, watching adults play games of make believe is demoralizing.

I like this take, but also it slowly got people used to such imagery.
Which makes them less weary of the real satanists who are never out in the public, essentially useful idiots obfuscating the real shit behind the scenes.