Zełeński speaking to Bundestag

Zełeński speaking to Bundestag

Basically scoulding the german government for not supporting Ukraine before the invasion


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Did they give him a standing ovation

Normies will forget this jew in two weeks

He finally found a shirt, still semi larp though

its live

I'm tired of these clowns making a new demand towards us every day when our main interaction with Ukraine before this was them stealing our gas from the transit pipelines.

the dude's not in kiev is he

every single time, it's some anonymous room somewhere, he should be in his office

>The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you


Okay FSBglownigger, let me lay down some facts for you:

The west (that includes you , all of Europe, the British Commonwealth and the USA) promised Ukraine entry into the Western patrimony in order to defend them against vodkachip aggression.

Only problem is that Putin invaded after Biden put out a bluff to deter Putin. Biden continued to fuck up by not pressuring NATO to implement a no fly zone and putting US boots on the ground of western Ukraine.

To cut it short, we ARE going to have to directly intervene once Putin starts dropping tactical nukes on Ukrainian population centers to speed up his advance. The bleeding out effect of the SWIFT sanctions aren't happening fast enough. Cope and seethe as much as you want, but you ruskies ARE GOING FUCKING DOWN.

SLAVA UKRAINI and may democracy and liberty reign free over both Ukraine and Russia

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He has been doing that more lately not just with Germany. They literally received billions of dollars in weapons. Without them he would probably be dead now. Once a kike always a kike

she cute

no i actually agree they should be fucking scolded

>He finally found a shirt
He needs to pretend to respect Germany until now. US and Canada already gave him what he wanted so he doesn't care about them anymore

When this war started in 2014 it was already clear Ukraine couldn't join NATO. Not without the problems in the East resolved. People who thought they could live in a fantasy world

shut the fuck up you turk nigger, the US intelligence knew the invasion was happening since fucking october. every single european country has been warned and everyone did jack shit. only the US set up training for anti tank weapons at the last minute since germans&co. were too busy sucking Putin's cock via Nord Stream 2.
you literally let this all happen.
>the dude's not in kiev is he
yeah sure, three european prime ministers just astral projected into his new york secret CIA basement yesterday, kek, fucking loser schizo

Zelensky looked disgusting in front of congress in his green shirt and protruding nose. Very disrespectful!

>you literally let this all happen.
Like I said, why would I give a shit? Every interaction we had with them before this was them stealing our shit. I care about as much as I'd care about some gypsy getting btfo

No I think he is in Kiev. It's kind of logical the room being as unrecognizable as possible. Why would he leave? So far the Russians haven't broke trough anyway and I doubt they will soon

Why post old photos of him and say they're current? I doubt he's been there since this started. This isn't fucking Reddit, we've all seen this image before.

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You know that after Ukraine we're next, right? You want to have mongol hordes at your eastern borders, Hans?

Screw Ukraine and it's emotionally challenged fake president

>Russia will attack us

Stop eating into this fucking propaganda you Ukrainian refugee in Poland

Will he be asking for support for his nazi azov?

If he does, Germans may very well give in, again!

>a few retards post old photos 3 weeks ago
>therefore he isn't in kiev even though every day there is video evidence of him staying in his office and meeting with foreign officials there discussing current events
fucking mongrel intelligence lol

>every single european country has been warned and everyone did jack shit.
Because it's not our fucking problem. That idiot thought is was funny to play training wargames with NATO on Putin's doorstep. Now the Ukrainian people are paying the price.

send gibs faggot

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Yeah, I am sure Russia is going to conquer Germany for it's abundant natural resources
Even if they did, have you taken a look at my government lately? We have ministers who openly said they think Germany should just be abolished in the past and who get off on the idea of ethnic Germans going extinct. If the Russians invaded, I would merely tell them the exact location of all party property.


pick one

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>>therefore he isn't in kiev even though every day there is video evidence of him staying in his office and meeting with foreign officials there discussing current events
no such thing

you seriously took the meme of Polish PM travelling all the way to sieged Kiev seriously? He did travel 100m to US embassy in Warsaw.

correction: zelensky-whore speaking to other whores

zelensky is such a fucking non president it's crazy
kinda like klitschko as mayor.

> Basically scoulding the german government for not supporting Ukraine before the invasion

Not so much scolding, IMO. Clearly, this is part of setting the stage for a broader conflict. I think we're headed toward WWIII. Not nuclear Armageddon, though. (inb4 nukes aren't real retards). They just want to crush European civilization to make way for Greater Israel and the raping of Chinese civilization.

Is he unhindged high on drugs again?

I disagree

Russia will turn the gas off, then germany has a civil war within.
Dumb fucks.

Seethe and cope you third-rate wannabe dictator.

You think we can have all of our eastern border being controlled by ruskies without it being a constant national security threat? Didn't we have to enforce a martial law on our entire byelorussian border because of border bullshit instigated by FSB and byelorussian KGB? It's fucking Russia, you stupid pollack, we've always had war with them.

Do you have any idea how much russian money and influence is in German politics? Your fucking entire energy policy is literally closing down perfectly functional nuclear power plants and buying Russian gas in the name of saving the environment.

>Polish PM
>Slovenian PM
>Czech PM
>talk about current events
>the office is literally the same as always
yeah it's all fake dude, just everything is fake. Churchill met with Stalin in 1935 and they just published the photos a decade later for propaganda purposes amirite?
>sieged Kiev
trains to Kiev are not being attacked, for now people can safely travel. also Russia has surely been informed of the visit and if they dared do anything they would have started a war.
Fucking russian shills, keep watching vremya or something lol

Retards like you want war, Russia won't invade Poland if you stupid fucks will stop provoking them

Based jew is getting more gibs for us, i'll fucking vote for him if he goes for the second term