If you oppose legalizing prostitution you're a leftist

A progressive, a de facto feminist and a commie. You cannot have price discovery without a market... for either sex. Prostitution if widely known and available would restore (some) sanity to the sexual market.

Note I don't support street prostitution it should be kept in red light districts or indoors.

Yes I know you can get it fairly risk free at a certain type of venue but most guys don't and if you tell them they don't believe you.

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Prostitution is legal and it's called marriage.

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Even assuming the classical kind of marriage where there was no such thing as marital rape... You generally get a lot less sex over time with marriage for a lot more money.

So don't get married.
Got it.

I mean imagine if Al just went here when he wanted to have sex, he wouldn't have had to sell women's shoes.

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If pros. were legal men would be happy. happy men would be good for society, some people dont want this cause happy would go against the ultra lefts ideaology of feminism. My body my choice not until you get the vaxx and not your pussy that would make men happy HAHAHAH

muh left-right dichotomy

much worse than prostituion, some marriages men dont even get sex at a certain point, it just STOPS. So imaginejust throwing away your money at some bitch that you never want to be with when you could be using on high tier escorts, but even then its illegal. men cannot win.

You either support society based on the ideas of natural law and the wisdom of centuries or believe you can bring some faggy utopia that can make men better via social engineering.

High end escorts are expensive there is a cheaper way...

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Ok but make the legal age 14 too

Totally, the left are the people who constantly berate women about staying pure and staying in the kitchen.

In fact legalised prostitution is a leftie pipe dream. By legalising it they can make it compulsory as it already happened.

In germany they were forcing unemployed young women into prosttution because "it is a job just like any other so foreign organised crime folks would go to unemployment offices, look at the records and hire the most Germanic girls they could find - and the state would cut their financial aid if they refused. Not sure if it is still ongoing.

Are whores not legal over there?????? Holy fuck this is why you guys have so many homeless it is literally the og employment.
Gotham city the local brothel here has a Gotham trailer van and they hand out discount flyers and shit

Good, women don't belong in male jobs.

thats a man

Prostitution is illegal except in a small part of Nevada.

Used to also be illegal (accidentally) in Rhode Island.

Strip clubs are legal and in my experience Chris Rock was wrong... not only can fuck many in the champagne room you can also fuck some of them in regular lap dance booths.

It already is legal in a lot of euro countries, and they're as cucked as ever, though.

There are no prostitutes in nature, whoring is a completely manmade abomination of liberalism that would never occur in a natural society.

>allowing your daughter to get fucked by another man for money is fascism

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The women are thinner and in general better than America if only slightly...

The problem is the men are so cucked too many don't avail themselves of the alternative... Thailand doesn't have this problem (its theoretically illegal there but only so hookers don't go to the police).

So you're saying rape doesn't exist.
Got you

Never said it was fascism which is kind of a radical centrist ideology (whereas National Socialism is a very leftist ideology).

You give girls you rape money?

I'm not a rapist yet.
But that woman that you raped is my property so you now owe me, also kim chi sucks.

No laws against rape in nature either.

Natural law and a state of the most primitive nature are not the same thing.

Has Europe always been a human trafficking hub?

That’s fucking insane dude? How like how do you do it?

So say like a bitch let’s a guy come to her house and fuck her for 100 bucks what happens ? Can you really arrest someone for fucking in their own home eg or only if it’s a pimp or syndicated ?

You can't advertise it openly (except some REALLY expensive sites which I imagine have politicians paid off big) and most online ads are scams (or maybe stings) if a girl does it by word of mouth shes not likely to get busted.

Guys get busted for it mainly by going to online ads, they never bust strip club patrons and rarely bust the girls or clubs. They've busted guys at asian massage parlors merely once (they were looking to bust a billionaire for prestige) but he managed to get the case thrown out.

All lefties I know are pro prostitution. So you are wrong, fag

But you just do it for the kids. Assuming you're rich enough and *want* to have kids, it's that kind of a deal - you get to rent somebody's womb a few times, and in return you pay for the womb's owner's entire life. I personally think it's still worth it, especially that womb owners actually love their children, so you end up with kids that have a loving mother. Not bad. And sex is severely overrated, blame porn and the fact that "sex and the city" series is legal to watch.

> I listen to what lefties say vs what they actually do
The social reform movement and the progressive era are what got prostitution banned when formerly in the trad heyday of white conquest it was extremely common.

If the kids are even yours...