Jen Psaki is Johnny Gosch. What are the political implications of this?

Jen Psaki is Johnny Gosch. What are the political implications of this?

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Can you slow that gif down a tad? It's convincing the way it is, yes but if it's a little slower you'll gain wider acceptance.
>always thought she had a manface and manhands.

I’d be more convinced if your gif morphed a reptile.

Attached: 9DD083D7-A477-46DB-B450-D64A9FBA287D.jpg (876x847, 97.74K)

It's not morphed. Just an overlay. It fits 100%.

I saw that. Nice work if you made it, OP.

Not even close, gosch lips particular and teeth easy to recognize. Ask sen. Grassley where he is.

Yes I made it but the question is... Would you fuck her? Kek

>Ask sen. Grassley where he is.
Tell me what you remember about being a boy scout, if you don't mind. If you were a boy scout, that is.

Shouldn't I get a reward for finding the first lost child to ever be put on a milk carton? Who do I call about this?

Those digits.
No way in hell, ATM.
By the end of this July I will have successfully avoided sexual contact with anyone for 13 years.
>What did you think nofap was about?

Look again sir. Everything lined up perfectly. Even the gap between the front teeth. Facial structure is like a fingerprint. It's him!

Saved. Trade you

Attached: Eireen_Gu.jpg (1024x682, 119.29K)

Yeah, this.

13 years is nothing special around these parts bucko

I forget the details but isn't there reason to believe that Johnny Gosch is white house reporter Jeff Gannon? Like to the point where Johnny's mother actually believes it's him. I'm reading about it now and apparently Gosch was part of the Franklin coverup.

It is when you look like a celebrity but think like an Autist. It's fukken torture. Like Dante on Eulers Identity, spiraling toward the abyss.
Gotta cook now. No waifu has ever entered this premises.

Reading about the Gosch case so I figure I'll write a QRD for anyone:
-1982 12 year old Johnny Gosch goes missing during his morning paper route
-1984 Ms. Gosch claims to have seen Johnny on television standing behind George Bush Sr.
-1989 Paul Bonacci confessed to his attorney, John De Camp that he had kidnapped Johnny Gosch. Paul was 15 at the time.
-1997 Ms. Gosch claims Johnny came to her door late on night with long black hair.
-1999 Rusty Nelson testifies in Court that Johnny Gosch was a victim of the franklin coverup scandal in which children were trafficked for Satanic purposes.
-Ms. Gosch's private investigator says that Johnny is being auction in Texas and provides a catalogue with his name and picture listed. Her PI attends the auction but Johnny is never brought up.
-September 2006 Johnny's mother received a photo left on her doorstep of three boys bound with their hands tied and mouths gagged. Johnny's mother is sure this is him but police in FL claim the photo came from a closed investigation which showed the photo was kids trying to see who could escape first. Johnny's mother believes the police were lying.
- Article doesn't state the year, probably 2007ish, Johnny's mother sees White House Reporter Jeff Gannon on the news in a very strange interview on MSNBC asking George Bush Jr. Questions. Says she is sure that is her son. It turns out Jeff Gannon is not his real name but Jim Guckert a homosexual prostitute and his origins are dubious at best.
-Ms. Gosch spoke before the senate on High level child trafficking and says there is a network of dedicated elite child traffickers. She says she regularly receives death threats for speaking out.

Attached: goschguckertgannon.jpg (402x204, 32.39K)

Ms. Gosch's current PI considers the case solved but cannot get any response from law officials. He says it's clear that Johnny was kidnapped by a satanic cult, trafficked and prostituted to high ranking politicians before being used as a reporter to serve the political powers. Ms. Gosch has had contact with Jeff Gannon but to what extent I'm not sure - from what I'm reading I think she claims that Jeff has told her that he remembers her being him mother but Jeff Gannon won't submit to a DNA test and she is trying to get the courts to compel him to.

So... Do you think he chopped his member off or not?

This sounds a fuckton like the Jonbenet Ramsey case from Boulder. Tom Shane was still remembered as a Gerbilizing faggot diamond merchant, and Lewis&Floorwax would remember that shit with enough beer in a bar.

Well he's a gay prostitute so that would be the next logical step for him. As far as I can tell Gannon dropped off the face of the Earth in 2007 and hasn't been heard from since.

This article is about the 16 yo boy Paul Bonacci who claims he kidnapped Johnny, drugged him and brought him to the homosexual group he called his family.

The whole thing lead back to Larry King, a republican who managed Omaha savings and loan which financed the whole sex slavery business on behalf of the CIA. It was found that $40 million was unaccounted for from the credit union.

IIRC Jon Bennet Ramsey's parents did it, right? A lot of people think they were covering for the brother but it was really that the father probably let someone else kill her as a part of some ritual. Am I right?

Reading about what Ms. Gosch has to say. She believes Gannon is her son, Jeff Gannon even has the same three letter initials as her son...JDG and the last name Gannon is probably taken from the editor of the Des Moines times which Johnny used to deliver.
She says that two confidential information have testified to her PI that Gannon and Johnny are the same. Gannon had extensive plastic surgery in 2004 and went from having long shoulder length hair to shaving it.

Here's what she says about the MKULTRA:
>NOREEN: It is a form of Manchurian Candidate....many feel these kids are programmed to be accessed/triggered for some future use or project.
>NOREEN: The majority of the Franklin kids I have been in contact with do believe Jeff Gannon is Johnny. Some say they have been in communication with him on a fairly regular basis. I would suspect this is done by email on computer rather than face to face meetings.
>NOREEN: The CIA agent who has resurfaced recently has brought information to Jim Rothstein which is significant at this time. Jim shared a portion of it, which the Waterloo, Iowa TV station reported on. It was then circulated throughout the internet. He informed us that originally 1700 children were targeted for this project... they (pedophile ring) set about kidnapping children throughout the country over a period of years. The number of "usable children" they ended up with was approximately 1,000. I filed a FIOA request and received a reply saying "All records on Johnny's case with the CIA have vanished."