What is he thinking?

If he stays he could profit massively from donations and lawsuits, if he leaves her, he'll be the horrible villain in the eyes of every girl he dates.

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He's stuck with her for good. Should make a nice lamp from the leftovers

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>I miss doggy style

>I wonder if she will let my husky cuck me.

what happened?

this is what marriage is *supposed* to be

if he stays, anywhere he goes, every woman within 20ft of him will want to jump on his dick
god women are cruel

she will get facial reconstruction crowdfunded or from the lawsuit money , the guy just has to play the long game

He should get reverse lasik and just have them laser out his retinas.

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>if he leaves her
Men don't commit that kind of treachery. That's more of a woman thing.

She barged into a stranger's house and got her face torn off by the family dogs.

She was dogsitting for a family with a dingo and a shitbull when she was viciously attacked. It was so savage that all her clothes came off. None of the articles were torn or ripped, so the dogs must have been very skilled and been planning this attack for some time to so efficiently remove all her clothing including her bra intact. A real tragedy :^)

Ride the first greyhound out of town

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Literally who? What?

She would hit the wall inevitably, as long as the snatch feels good he can just paper bag her.

even the best operations dont yield incredible results.
her being able to get bye in everyday public interactions without terrifying children is best case scenario.

actually men leave sick or disabled spouses at far higher rates than vise versa

I don't know how you missed it, two dogs and a white girl were in the same room, she was "dogsitting"...yada yada yada... they found her naked and mauled nearly to death.

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I *love* these new toothy blowjobs

>None of the articles were torn or ripped
according to who?

Oaths matter, better or worse, sickness and health, till death Bros, that's what marriage is all about. Honor

Did this dude die or did he stiffen out like when you see boxers get K.O.d? Feels bad bc he's smart enough to know how to pass the ball back

not really, marriage is about children or securing power. nothing more, nothing less. companionship is a side benefit if you are lucky.

I guess it isn't completely hopeless....right guys???

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She is a knotty girl

prolly wondering why dogs keep sniffing his crotch

if my gf hit the wall that hard I'd dump her, off a cliff

>fuck fuckfuck fuckfuck fuckfuck fuckfuck fuckfuck fuckfuck fuckfuck fuck

Looks the same to me...

she has a huge settlement coming her way

her snatch is fucking gone dude the dogs ate it

first she rapes the families dog, and then she sues them? this woman is pure evil.

She is still a person, Anons.
We should all be so lucky to not be met with such misfortune.
Remember that!

>I don't know how you missed it
Different user, but not having social media and avoiding tabloid news apparently pays off.

Sometimes dogs go catatonic like goats when exposed to things. little guy probably got frightened and his body just reacted by going stiff.

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>stay with a dog fucker

Can someone give me a long rundown? Did she actually try to fuck dogs or are you memeing

She's a dog walker that got mauled because

At least it not genetic so the kids will be fine.

This is now a SHITBULL thread
Why are dog owners so retarded? Even if they own the dog being attacked. They are BRAINLETS. All of them.

What a lovely couple. He thinks about pillows, about dence packages, about blindings in Byzantium, about holidays in Ukraine and so on.

>be me
>very bad father
>fence fell down in yard and haven't fixed it in 4 years
>daughter walking dog in backyard while I'm shitposting on Any Forums
>suddenly hear crying and screaming from backyard
>neighbors pitbull got through the fallen fence and chased my daughter to our trampoline
>both her and the pooch are safe in the net
>end up using flechette rounds on the pitbull and daughter keeps saying 'oh yikes' over and over while crying
>take the dead porcupine to neighbors house and knock on the front door
>slam the carcass at the screen door while niggesha screaming

I still haven't fixed the fence.

That’s fucked up but the dogs could of been in the right this making them good dogs.

casually put on that song "head down ass up that's the way i like to fuck" she'll get the hint

>he'll be the horrible villain in the eyes of every girl he dates.
Who gives a shit what women think

The dogs thought she was an intruder and she was being a careless dumbfuck. The dogs are not at fault in this one at all.

Tell me MOAR about pitbulls.

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This place is my news source, also its the only social media place I can stand.

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