Circle the Wagons Project /CTW/

Welcome to the Circle the Wagons Project Frens!
Where we combined Any Forumsdiy/k/out/an/biz/ & Any Forums into one thread
that is on topic & relates to our current political & cultural reality.

by working toward the goal of forming wholesome communities irl
made up of based & repilled pollacks living off the land in accordance with nature,
it's fundamental truths and it's beauty. Who are ready to face the ugly realities
of a "society" that grows more bleak and hostile every day.

We cannot silently accept or hide from the globohomo agenda it's degeneracy and our demographic decline.
It is our duty to fight with all the love in our heart for ourselves, each other and our kin.
Fuck being alone. Fuck feeling doomed! We will save the doomers, free the wage slaves and tell
the rent seekers to go to hell.

There is a better way to live for our people. We will live as we used to; as a tribe.
"Together we are stronger" and by uniting like minded people together we can change
our lives for the better and from that change we can change our political and cultural reality.

Instead of public school indoctrination & wokism
massive loans, debt slavery and usury
soul crushing city life & it's dangers

We offer alternatives to the globohomo agenda like

Homeschooling & natural reality
building our own homes using inexpensive methods & our own labor
the joy of community pride & working smarter not harder
producing healthy food and improving our quality of life.

There is a better way to live but it is up to us to live it.
So come on in and join our project and help manifest this into reality.

*anime edition* political and ethical propaganda
winning hearts and minds

old bread (bump limit reached)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Come home White man.

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Been waiting for one of these threads!

what anime did you grow up with
how did this effect your morally and ethically and how does that fit your politics

on topic

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Reminder: this is MY way of doing this, not THE way to do this.

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saved that, AR CTW

Uh ... none? The only anime I watched before I was 30 was Akira. Once. And very little since because it is generally insufferable.

This shill is tiresome. No shekels for you.

Bumping because I think this is a decent idea.

sheckles? are you fucked?

Watch Ninja Scroll

Ninja Scroll (1993) - Jubei vs Tessai - English Subbed

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that's kikery
nigger cop out shit

can you read my son?

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You didn't grow up on Scooby Doo or
anything else?

man I have watched a lot of cartoons.
Foghorn Leghorn rules

Artie Lange - Foghorn Leghorn Bit

earlier bake

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Your loss. Imagine taking a couple of minutes to visualize a completely different world run under completely different rules where the globohomo had no influence.

Needless to say, I'd recommend parents not have a TV available for their children, vidya isn't a thing at all, and any screen use is strictly for educational purposes. Children shouldn't be given a phone until they're semi-independent at 16, and they should be taught from a young age the dangers of social media. It's not about limiting them from information, it's about limiting them from faggotry and retarded wokeism.

That's one nicely pruned dwarf apple tree. I'm leaning towards primarily hybrid height (not full) to provide privacy. Yes, we'll need kids to go full-on monkey to fetch the fruit, but outside of limited cases, the extra five to ten feet of height will be more beneficial than the ease of harvest. When you're planning communities where every house is built on a hill of one sort or another, a max height of 10-15 feet isn't sufficient to offer privacy, and families need that.

Fuck /k/

Bunch of Zelensky worshiping soiniggers from reddit and

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Akira is great
but I like this one even better

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Asian pears are also amazing, if your growing region can support them (mine can not). They grow so much fruit that it can break branches.

Attached: asianpears.jpg (1600x1285, 684.95K)

The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins
>Edible Wild Plants: A Folding Pocket Guide by James Kavanagh
>The Backyard Homestead by Carleen Madigan
>The Natural Remedies Encyclopedia by Vance Ferrell
>The Garden Primer by Barbara Damrosch
>Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web by Jeff Lowenfels
>Worms Eat my Garbage by Mary Appelhof
>What's Wrong With My Plant? (And How Do I Fix It?) by David Deardorff
>The Vegetable Gardener's Bible, 2nd Edition by Edward Smith
>Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners by Suzanne Ashworth
>Four-Season Harvest: Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long by Eliot Coleman
>Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew
>Good Bug Bad Bug by Jessica Walliser
>Good Weed Bad Weed by Nancy Gift

Wild Fermentation - Sandor Ellix Katz

Shit ton of free book scans on prepping, survival, combat care, growing food, toolmaking, just search keywords

diesel and gasoline from plastics

make plastic from plants [Remove]

Wood gasifer

Wood gas as engine fuel

Biodigester - Methane as fuel

Vacuum Pressure Hydrogen fuel cell defeats high gas prices using hydrogen from H2O

Atmosferic elctricity [Remove]

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nice pic, I have had them, they are good.

1 cup steel cut oats. 1 asian pear. 1 apple of your favorite type. 4 oz. dried and chopped dates. Toss it in a pot with 3 cups of water and a pinch of salt, and boil the shit out of it for 20 minutes. Add a generous dollop of butter and 1/3 cup of heavy cream. Add nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, and brown sugar to taste. Cook another 5-10 minutes and allow to cool.

It's the most sinfully delicious porridge under the sun.

being barefoot is important

The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)

National Socialists are environmentalists

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I grew up on this...

Kitty Kat Kennels (84 eps)

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Them digits though. Witnessed.

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