Have you noticed the way jew neo-libs and their useful idiots have been using the word “democracy” lately...

Have you noticed the way jew neo-libs and their useful idiots have been using the word “democracy” lately? I can’t quite describe it but it’s been happening a lot more recently.

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"democracy" means "being allowed to rape children" and that's why they say chinese and russian government is undemocratic.

I hope this cunt gets tit cancer and dies from it.

Democracy is just another word for a Jewish controlled government

like turdeau? he keeps giving speeches and trying to convince everyone he didn;t shit his pants over some truckers in ottawa

based foid hater, if I can't have them no one should.


Well, she looks like prime wife and breeding material.

but chinks rape children. they kidnap kids and make them birth a whole litter of chinklets

Democracy and marxism mean the same thing to me anytime I hear it.
Democracy is an antiqauted and flawed system and should be outlawed. People who promote democracy are either nefarious kikes or brain dead NPCs

"Our democracy" they think we are cattle so they mean "their" democracy.

Yes but their government doesn't do it openly. Meanwhile at least one australian PM has been charged with raping a child. They don't tell us what happens anymore but I know what my government is: baby raping shit eaters.

They also kill them eat them and sell their organs, here in the US only the elite do that anyways.

I unironically hate women that lack the self-respect that dress like that. I especially hate men who enable their behavior. Islam is gay but so is this thot-centric empowerment.

4 years ago they said trump threatend the "liberal order" - that transititioned to "our democracy" and now they keep saying "our democracy"

Killing god Jew Christ is the only way for salvation

>this is a danger to our democracy

Islam is right about women and faggots. But they're still fucking barbarians shitskins.

pimozide, now


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>I hope
"hope" is for children, and the weak-minded

Yes. Lady where I volunteer kept talkng about the importance of democracy when jusrifying martial law in Ottawa lol.

Yes they've been doing it since Trump won in 2016. To them democracy is only democracy it supports what they're told to believe. Which in fact is a great threat to democracy.

Just like everything, Communists used the same vocabulary but a different dictionary.
Under "real" Communism everything is Democracy supposedly, it's just a way for them to lie right to your face about what they are really trying to do.

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>Islam is right about women and faggots. But they're still fucking barbarians shitskins.
they're also tranny fuckers

Attached: StraightTurks.webm (480x480, 1.43M)

This spare rib looks like an empty egg carton if she's not already a single mother. She's one night stand material or a side chick at best.

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