Books with redpills

What are the most redpilling books out there?

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The Bible

If anyone actually read it that is

This book is a great redpill. You can easily find the pdf version free on google. I’d also recommend reading Henry’s Ford’s The International Jew

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Gardener is a faggot and your meme books are shit

Thanks. Best book in it?

Good choice. Fuck Feynman btw, fucking jew trying to claim aryan science as jewish triumph. I hate that kike so much its unreal.

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Farnham's Freehold by Hienlien.

I agree with you. I fell for the meme before I knew he was a kike. His books are okay because some of his derivations/approaches are unique, but I hardly ever reference his work. Severely overrated

Been checking this book some user recommended a few days ago, it's pretty good.

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That's a very based book shelf fren. And nice frog statue kek.
I've only read history of central banking in digital form, tho the cover appears nice. It's pretty good and concise. Have you by chance read "the creature from jekyll island"? I started it but it's pretty massive and I got bored.

He was such a fucking kike, he went on a late night show and bitched about how Star Wars was overwhelmingly white. From wiki, "He assisted in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II". Read, "using captured German scientists and claiming their discoveries as his own".

have you ever heard of someone being killed young and all the people claiming it was God's will?
In the book of Exodus, the tell the story of the plagues brought upon the kings of Egypt and how one of them was God killing every single first born son of the rulers of Egypt in one night.
Think of that for a second while you ponder what if that was just God's Will?
What if in one night every single slave in the country killed their masters' first sons, the story then passed through the centuries eventually saying that God himself did such a thing?
Now truly the pharaohs would be rightly pissed at people as lowly as their slaves killing all of their sons. Most likely they would enact a vengeance so severe on those slaves that they were erased from existence.
Now imagine that you were the ruling people from that country, ones who had so sullied their names with all peoples that you were no longer welcome in any country neighboring you. the kind of people who would make slaves so angry they killed off all of your first born sons on year.
Now you see Egypt is dying, mostly by your hand and greed, and your people feel they must escape into other countries in order to survive. Would anybody notice if you stole the names of a peoples who you erased a few centuries ago and used their names in place of your own as you tried to find a new homeland? Start a massive war or two and you can hide amongst the people who run away from those wars.
Edomites, hitites? they were welcome nowhere because of the things they had done and what they turned empires into through treachery, deceit and greed.
What group plays the eternal victim all the while cooperating to destroy the civilizations they try to take over?
Is the Bible a black pill of history?


“from then on Edom constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod being one of their descendants”, The Standard jewish Encyclopedia, 1966 Doubleday & Company, Inc , Garden City, New York, Pg. 592.

"Ed0m IS IN MODERN j-ry." The jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41.
the [non-Israelite] edom became a section of the Jewish people. "Edom," Encyclopaedia Judaica(Jerusalem, Is: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Vol. 6, p. 378

Elaborate further? I’m not sure what you mean.

>golem manual version 1.0 by Yehua bin Yosef
Full of redpills about how easy it is to bend human nature through empty promises and basic rhetoric. Good recommendation.

The Gospels

Those are my go to, not really in any order.

Best version of the Bible?

Our Enemy, The State by Albert Jay Nock

this needs to be updated with worms controlling the reptilian

Just avoid (((Scofield))) influenced shit

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post nose