DuckDuckGo Alternatives

What is the best alternative to duckduckgo?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Russian google

yandex nigger


You can do back and forth with the Riggers.

If people flocked from Google to Duck Duck Go, Duck Duck Go will be more rigged than Google.

So you go back to Google and fuck with their censors.

In the end, they're just gonna follow you no matter where you go, so have fun~ Live, as if the Universe is watching!


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brave search is in beta. Works alright for simple stuff. Brave browser on your phone blocks ads. Hadn't figured out a different way to block ads on the phone. I like playing youtube all day without ads to screw jewgle.

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stop using the internet

Well played

What did DuckDuckGo do to cause ass-ravage and multiple threads?

Switching between Yandex and Brave depending on what i'm looking for

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Use google without a gmail account and copy the url with the tracking data stripped. I forgot the addon that does this but should be easy to find.


Mojeek or Gigablast if you want something with it's own crawler, Ecosia if you want a Bing proxy/clone (DDG is one too), Yandex or Brave if you want a different flavor of spyware.

Literally Google with a proxy and gay filters of its own on top.

They jewed something up. About russia I think. I know some sites alt-right or non-narrative are delisted from them.

yandex if you want to get useless russian results
bing if you actually have a brain

Gay and shameful

Brave Search

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Ungoogled Chromium



They suppress Russian sites now too.

it is unironically better than duck and google. If I search for anything politics related on google I immediately all Ukraine hohol shit. It has 0 relevance to anything but they still push it into my face. Same with covid. You can't find anything on anything. Completely useless. At least with bing I get mostly useful stuff.

Ah, so these are pro-Russian shill threads. Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

switched to yandex and I ironically get better results than duckduckgo

Captcha: GAY88

Your own searx instance and a working knowledge of the internet and resources on it. If I could never search for something again I would be fine. It's called an 1878 encyclopedia britannica nigger learn it

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I'm using Yandex now.


what web browser do you use with searx?

Yandex you retard