Why didn’t the US sanction the Taliban like they did Russia?

Like why didn’t the US say the CIA will no longer buy opium from Afghanistan when the Taliban was taking over the country?

Why didn’t the US freeze the assets of the Afghan president, cabinet members, and generals who immediately fled Afghanistan with millions of US dollars?

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The US has punished the average Russian citizen with its sanctions. Why did it not do the same with the Afghan citizens? In all honesty we should be WAY more pissed at afghanis than we should be at Russians.

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that would be racist

we've been working with the Taliban for years. Their top guys over there are probably all glowniggers. Russia is our competitor and more of a threat

But the Russians are mongoloids so isn’t it racist to sanction them too?

>Like why didn’t the US say the CIA will no longer buy opium from Afghanistan

Kek. Like drug companies would allow this

Russia isn’t attacking us. They are attacking a country that no one gave a fuck about until Washington told them to. The reason why Washington cares about Ukraine so much is because the Biden’s launder lots of money there.

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Cambodia will just fill the gap. The drug companies will be fine.

>Russia isn’t attacking us.
They're moving closer to "our" territory (NATO). If your competitor moves into your turf you have to take action.

Are they moving closer to our territory or is our territory moving closer to them?

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witness the retardation itt

The first one

And btw that doesn’t make sense because Zelensky was installed after an American funded and organized coup in 2014. If anything it’s America that’s moving closer to their doorstep.

>Why didn’t the US sanction the Taliban
That's it, i'm never opening an American thread again, too much brain damage

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how do you sanction people who don't need any import/export?

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If I wanted a Turk niggers opinion I would have asked tik tok

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By banning all of their IP addresses, forbidding all Allie’s to trade with them. You know, exactly like we’ve done with Russia.

I'm not saying the government is good at all, just that they're obviously going to see Russia's aggression as more serious than dirty arabs in a war torn shitty country

Why didn’t the US sanction Afghanistan? Blanket sanctions that cover every citizen within the country like what is going on with Russia you retarded Algerian french nigger.

Is Russia being aggressive or just protecting its sphere of influence?

they're being aggressive. ukrainians don't want war. also killing innocents