What is the likelihood of regime change in Russia in the near future?

What is the likelihood of regime change in Russia in the near future?

Answers from Russians and Eastern Europeans most appreciated.

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Europeans are asleep, retard

Regime change to what? A puppet government that’s going to push for pro-LGBT shit while leaving the entire country to starvation?
Or a puppet government that will claim the victory of democracy and disintegrate Russia into many independent republics, which will result in civil wars, and ultimately lead to the reassembling of Russia into what it is today?

Regime change kind of achieves nothing and I think most elites in Russia who have the influence to achieve regime change understand that it’s pointless. So I’d say likelihood is 0%

>What is the likelihood of regime change in Russia in the near future?
maybe they'll get rid of Putin, but the substance will remain

this.. the place is rotten to the core. So are the Russian people. The only thing that will change that place is to be nuked like we did with Japan

I mean, the dude is the regime, and he has to day eventually

In Soviet Russia, the regime changes the country

in fairness, the russian govnt needs to be destroyed. but so does the uk govnt, and all its proxy govnts (au, can, nz, germany, the us..)

Not likely. Somekind of internal strife, even civil war quite likely. Putin is looking for internal enemies to blame for his own wrong decissions. He will find lot of them and some will shoot back.


Child murderer.

Average russian isn't capable of changing anything, whole nation of cattle. So revolution is out of the picture.
The only chance is upper level power struggles, then something might change, but only seamingly

Navalny on his way to the new 13-year imprisonment term. So we have like... 0 candidates left lol.
Only if there will be some murders deep inside Kremlin walls - but that's none of my business

the sanctions will never be lifted while he is still in power


>the place is rotten to the core. So are the Russian people.
yes, I saw an interesting lecture - Slavery was abolished in Russia in 1861
(in the meantime, most of europe has been developing private property etc),
and then there was a long period of socialism (longest period in human history)
- it all affected the Russian mentality
Something remotely "normal" is only in Moscow and Petersburg.
It is perfectly understandable that rich Russians send their children to Europe/USA.
By the way, 80% of Russians have never left Russia.

Don't be delusional
Russia has been an empire all their history, Maybe 20 years of globohomo infiltration are nothing. They will never side with the west again


I have no idea why people are acting like it's a possibility. The russian people aren't going to turn on him over a fucking Big Mac.

The rest of the world is now openly bigoted towards Russians. They're better off sticking with the guy who will fight for them.


It appears to be consolidating around patriotism, national pride as ever.

Attached: Romanians enter Odessa.jpg (2048x1410, 437.7K)

Only if glowniggers organizes something, but even for them it will be very difficult to do in Russia. Or if there is discord in the Kremlin, but I doubt it, to be honest. The chances are not very high.

>So revolution is out of the picture.
the regime is ready for that - in large cities they have about 400,000 special forces for these purposes

>The rest of the world is now openly bigoted towards Russians
I wonder why
>They're better off sticking with the guy who will fight for them.
He is literally the reason for this lol

Maybe if the military or the state police decide that he needs to be put down.

It would be 100%, but China has to support Russia so that it's not the only major fascist state

You wonder why? Because people are fucking idiots who just so what the TV tells them to do, that's why.

Things don't change in Russia. When Putin dies there will be 20 years of peace and then when they start to get some money again they'll start invading again as always.

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The country has over 100mln peapol. Our regimes were ready for us too and yet they fell eventually. It's just that Russians will not risk losing stale bread and vodka for freedom

the fuck r u talking about?

There is no chance. Vlad Putin is Christ's instrument to chastise the freemasonic west. Christ is king


Attached: Christian holy war .jpg (720x463, 105.04K)

I think there is a big difference. Our agglomerations are much more concentrated.

>It's just that Russians will not risk losing stale bread and vodka for freedom
agree, 80% of Russniggers is very specific group of "soviet normies". They want Stalin type leader.

Btw Putin and his boys made clever move - they never closed the borders, so "problematic" Russians could leave Russia (we didnt have this option), and troublemakers are mostly gone.

None. But there is quite substanital likelihood your joke of a country will collapse and balkanize after the fall of petrodollar.

Not likely but there could be some attempts, maybe the burgers will send some tranny "gun girls" from /k/ to assassinate putler. I think they tried something like that with mercenaries in venezuela a few years ago and it was a huge failure. The west is full of incompetent loser faggots.