Is it me or do arab women constantly look sad / angry?

Is it me or do arab women constantly look sad / angry?

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It's because they need a bwc to suck on

yes western whores that get ran through by the time they're 25 look way happier

I thought Arabs castrated their Black slaves? Why do they all look part black in this pic?

i swear they're on edge 24/7

> their noses
these are niggers user

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They do actually.

you must not interact with women much

Yeah i just came from trip from egypt and they were constantly cuarreling with each other on the streets

You mess up and you get a beating, at best, and your clit cut off, at worst. Sure, they're angry. Or the underwire in their bomb-vests is really chafing.

They especially hate western Christian women. One female friend that was studying in Denmark was eyed with full revulsion by an Arab woman, for being out in just her shirt.

They had female sex slaves, slavery was literally what kept north africa survive before colonialism. Its no wonder that most of them look like mulattoes

They have a totally different vibe..

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Check mitochondria.

their faces with the scarf look like a sad uncut dick

What about their mans?

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These women look southeast asian not arab

Because they are forced to pretend that wearing a scarf around their head all day is liberating and stands for women's rights.
When it's really a symbol of oppression and submission (not only to God but also to men).

wouldn't you be sad and angry if you looked like a piece of shit?

>Because they are forced to pretend that wearing a scarf around their head all day is liberating and stands for women's rights.

>caring about (((womens rights))))
hello schlomo.

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kekd and checked

activists are always mad