WTF?..35% of Americans wouldn't have a prob with starting nuclear war...How stupid are Americans?

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Imagine the intelligence level of the average American, then realize that 50% of Americans are even worse than that.

The left part of America is REALLY dumb

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90% of Americans have no knowledge outside of movies and tv shows

>How stupid are Americans?
I don't think we've reached the bottom of that pit, yet.

Only if we can glass Shanghai

Yeah, the average American is just above a retard

WTF I love america now.

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I support nuclear war too. Please kill us.

35% of americans have no ability to even conceptualize what a nuclear weapon is or what a nuclear war would look like

The extreme far-left and boomer neocons want it so badly.

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Most of the idiots who support it live in big cities that will get nuked. So the problem solves itself.

Americans are uneducated. The cold war has been over for 40 years and americans would rather be entertained than learn about boring history. Those people have no idea what MAD is.

they're not programmed to virtue signal about preserving their own lives. it's just that simple

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Good, accelerate.

that's because they have been constantly lied to for 60 years
and 35% want to die because its all so tiresome

to bad none of it is real

they're still wearing masks and taking fake vaccines for a fake virus. what do expect

nope. these are normie faggots and if they want to die it isn't for something based

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OP, you're an autistic fucking retard. Russia threatened to destroy the world with nukes even if Russia merely fails under his dictatorship, that has nothing to do with Ukraine. Pic related, dumbass. Both the US on its own and NATO have retaliatory nuclear strike policies, by siding with Ukraine they are NOT tempting nuclear war themselves. Russia's first threatened nuclear war for reasons unrelated to Ukraine. Nuclear retaliation against Russian nukes being fired first is OBVIOUSLY a different issue related to their prior threats, not about Ukraine. You're a retarded faggot interpreting a poll in the form of Russian war propaganda. You need to go jump off a bridge immediately before you get any stupider.

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Americans are not evil compared to Russians.

fucking dump troon, we should group them all in one spot and detonate a nuke

nigger i'm evil as fuck

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they need to start showing the films of all the japs after Hiroshima and Nagasaki crawling on their hands and knees, their flesh literally melting off, trying to get to the nearest body of water to submerse themselves in hopes of relieving the pain of the radiation burns
that shit needs to be shown in schools

We can't let Drumpf get the nuclear codes

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I don't give a fuck about russia or ukraine but I want MAD because society is fucked up

really are you really asking as if you are shocked? half our population thinks food only comes from grocery stores....

35% of you guys apparently do not understand it could end the world.

America doesn't care anymore. We are tired of the world

I had a dream yesterday night that on June 14th there will be nukes, everywhere on earth.

If you don't act like you want nuclear war, you lose all wars

Why doesn’t West isolate Russia completely like a rabid dog they are and let them cook themselves in that closed bowl of hatred.

That being said, most people in the 80's couldn't grasp the doctrine of MAD either. 'Ronnie ray gun' was 'literally hitler' then too. Anti-nuke protests were the largest crowds in US history, one sunday in 1983 or 84 saw a legit 1m people turn up in central park and the surrounding area. Even Reagan's daughter was there giving a speech against him.

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Then you are not American. Check your DNA test, your mother was russian mail bride from the 90s.

Three letter agent shine so bright.

>thinking about invasion of ukraine
>ok with taking military action even if it means nukes
>35% yes

WTF?... An user believes a poll...How stupid are anons?

America unironically stands a far better chance of surviving a nuclear war than any other country

>Make their own weapons
>Make their own food
>strong focus on local industry and manufactuering

Europe would be absolutely gone, UK can be taken out like 2 modern nuclear hydrogen bombs. China would collapse without their centralised government telling them what to do.

Russia might do okay....... depends if their nuclear arsenal is as shit as their modernised army

At least 35% of the American population supported BLM, Antifa, defunding the police, race riots, burning down buildings, looting stores, and the murdering of innocent white people.
At least 35% of the American population also voted for Biden. I'm not going to say 51% of the population voted for Biden because we all know that isn't true.

Yeah it's pretty sad. We don't even have basic knowledge of what words mean. I don't know what to attribute it to either.


We are very fucking stupid bro. Especially the niggers.


only 35.we have 80%.only instagram zoomers scary total annihilation

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Your mind is completely broken.

We'd win a nuclear was with minimal casualties.

loved that game when I was a kid.

Imagine 90% of Estonian Parliament voting for it.
True story, you are not dreaming.

The sad truth is JFK fucked up by not going nuclear during the Cuban missile crisis. Look at this graph. The enemy was barely getting off the ground and our arsenal was peaking. What a fag.

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meant see

>being a coward
Embrace the atomic bomb and rejoice in posadism, you kike.

Yeah okay Paco.

small child piss down leg.

Russian nuclear sabre rattling goes back to the 50's. do you have any idea who this man is?

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Same - heh, might actually go and install it again because it was pretty damn fun

Blame Truman. He even refused to nuke china when that was the right thing to do.

nikita khrushchev. what do i win


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If I recall the closest that America got to using nukes after WW2 was during Korea to wipe out local Chinese armies.

People hate MAD but the honest truth is it worked. No nukes were fired even during the Cuban Missile Crisis. We're are no where near that level of escalation even now.

we just want to die you dumb nigger

the leftoid retards
>heh russian nukes are rusted shitpiles
>our missile defense will shoot them down no biggie
and of course the brainlet right
>nukes are fake and a psyop
>we'll hit their launch silos before they can hit us