Are commies right about late-stage capitalism? It feels like once automation is perfected...

Are commies right about late-stage capitalism? It feels like once automation is perfected, there will be no need for work. Not in our lifetimes, but eventually.

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commies have never been right about much of anything

The end goal was always going back to the extensive slave labor economies of Greco-Roman times, just with metal instead of flesh, the problem is who's gonna benefit, will they allow the little guy to survive?

Yes, Klaus is many steps ahead of your typical christcuck

Automation will unleash the time and power of human capital in ways we can not even fathom.

Capitalism and communism are basically the same thing end game.

>no need for work
That is a good thing, sir.
A job and work are different.
A job can be fun, work usually is not fun. Automation makes jobs require less work, and therefore, automation makes jobs more fun. Not always, but often.


did machines eliminate factory work? What even is full automation? There are only manual job and maybe office type jobs that could be replaced but there's still thousands of other jobs automation can't do. And anyway automation just does the mundane repetitive aspect. Everything still has to be thought by a human. It will create new jobs not end the need to work. Fucking hell I hate commies, they're so retarded

Real capitalism hasn't been tried yet

When machines can write code, repair/build themselves, and successfully run profitable companies better than humans

yup, the job market is already fucked beyond believe, if you dont have 6 gorillion qualifications, the best you can hope for is wagecuck for amazon or mcdonalds, once everything is automized, there will be even less of a need for you

Why is in all these automation scenarios that it's never the individuals that get access to the automation and make corporations obsolete instead of corporations making people obsolete?
Why can't the automated future be someone on their own land with their own farming robots, everything they need is 3D printed themselves instead of bought etc...

companies used to employ rooms full of of secretaries to crunch numbers. Nowadays, computers do all the work. And those secretaries now do more interesting things. it also allows companies to do more interesting things, because they save so much money not employing rooms full of secretaries to do basic arithmetic.

Most people are already superfluous, and have make-work jobs

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they are already implenting self checkout in supermarkets, more employees they can let go. cars are already made with 99% machines controlled by humans and so are most industrial jobs, its gonna be real easy to get rid of the humans

Commies are the cause, not capitalism. There is no late stage capitalism because capitalism isn't heading anywhere, its not a political system, its an economic reality based on the free market. But you'll never have a truly free market because there is power and wealth in constraining it and corruption is universal.

Are you sure about that?

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lmao the capitalism boomers are the funniest thing and will always hold the right wing back, isreal is our greatest ally fellow Q-user chads, damn lazy zoomers not pulling themselves up by the bootstraps with their video games and iphones

The lockdowns affirmed to me that meritocracy is indeed a meme

That's literally most of the economy now. Useless people doing useless things because a company hasn't been innovative enough to simply use excel.

Commies are right about almost everything except the final outcome, because the idea of people warming up to the replacement of money with some sort of voucher system is delusional. The concentration of wealth into a smaller and smaller subset of the population, increasing competition among the wealthy, investors and businesses neglecting actual business functions in exchange for portfolio growth, and alienation from work/family/community is all spot on, and eventually enough people will get tired of it. But it sure as shit isn't going to lead to a happy utopia of equality, because most laborers are fully incapable of running an organization and will happily fight amongst themselves for a shot at winning the popularity contest. Even if automation arrives, it will have so many points of failure it might as well be fucked from the start.

The mRNA clot shot was a method of culling the population. There are deaths from clot-related maladies, cancers (soon) from damage to DNA. Billions could die. And that's just those already vacinnated. More "boosters," more problems.

Shutting down supply lines (nothing to do with war, or actual disease - but due to lockdowns and sanctions - could lead to mass-starvation as well. You can push anything onto starving people. Which is the point.

The first class of people fucked were blacks. Like when the Kaiser plant closed in Los angles and all the related industry to it, and all the places in the Midwest rust belt that got race riots, they wernt able to retrain for higher lvl work. A bunch of midwit whites will be affected next

kikes are never right. capitalism just happens to be another side of the same jewish coin.

It's not real capitalism. We haven't had real capitalism since Jackson was president.

It looks like no matter what political structure we implement humanity eventually turns to slavery, murder, and pure greed. Capitalism is the best so far but it all eventually devolves to a hunger games with the few elite on the top and the vast majority on the bottom.

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When businesses get too big and become monopolies they need to be busted up. their idea of redistributing wealth to losers is beyond retarded

Technology got so big and so fast because socialists dumping trillions of other peoples money into le science. The left are to blame for every shitty thing. If a free market was allowed to organically progress technology we would have tech that has practical purposes that make life better for good people and dangerous for bad people. Taxation is the root of all evil.

have communists ever been right about anything?

Communism and Capitalism are two hands of the same beast. Read White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell where he compares them to the analogy of shipwreckers. Jewish communist overthrow the captain and loot the ship while Jewish Capitalist steer the ship towards the rocks to be looted after impact.

This is the most retarded copy and paste shill answer. In reality Communism and socialism are the same.

Two roads to the exact same place, one is simply better paved

I'm a welder.

We've been automated since the 80s and honestly the jobs that were taken away were shitty arthritis inducing repetitive assembly jobs that I wouldn't wish upon my enemy. The fact is our jobs CAN be automated but rather than

>buy the robot
>pay someone to install it
>pay someone to program it
>pay someone to repair it when it breaks down
>pay someone to do QC on its output
>pay for routine maintenance
>pay to have it replaced at the end of the life cycle
>pay the replacement parts and fluids
>pay for the electricity bill

It's a hell of a lot cheaper to just have a single guy who knows what he's doing weld up everything. And it will likely be foe a long time

>just bought picrel with my weldbux

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They will never perfect it lmao you give too much credit to gay nerds

They are wiping out the only race that can research, build, run and maintain such automation though. The lack of foresight is astounding