American war heroes

>"volunteer" because bored of life at home
>leave family behind, go to eastern European slavic shithole which is under invasion by other Easter european slavic shithole
>put in barracks with leddit foreign legion
>expect to save the day
>forget this is a mechanised, industrial war where casualties are counted by the platoon and company, not individual soldiers
>forget the enemy is an actual military with military equipment, not goat herders improvising bombs out of sardine cans
>cant speak the language, dont know the culture
>expect to not be used as cannon fodder
What the fuck do these guys think would happen? And I'm on the Georgian legion Signal group, its a)gone quiet and b)if I am on it, the FSB are on it too.

Attached: WarAnHeros.jpg (720x1129, 316.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Go to Kiev
What the fuck

Unfuckingbelievable and also thread immediately slid by Ukraine propaganda

>be special (ed) forces
>training consists of shoving things up your butt and staying up all night
> you are cooler than the regs cause you can have a beard and maybe an mp5
>resume consists of covert 3 am raids on goat herders
>have killed 10 women 23 children and 2 terrorists
>severe alcoholic, spending all your days and nights at the local bar sharing your stories of killing women and children at 3am to all that will listen
>wife leaves you cause she doesn't want you doing live reenactments in her house
>start smoking pot to cure the ptsd
>find reddit
>hear about Ukraine
>go to Ukraine
>discover they want you fight during the day while being shelled by the enemy
>wtf this isn't like the seals...
>die or flee

john mccain is proud

redditors must die

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The guy is a deserter.
He joined a military and was assigned to a battalion, then he decided he didn’t want to go where he was told, didn’t want to fight and he fled; he’s a deserter.
Because he volunteered to join an army, rather than being conscripted, he seems to think that means he has the right to come and go as he pleased, and the choice as to whether he fights or not, he doesn’t, the minute he joined the army, the same rules that apply to him as to other soldiers.
He’s acting like a victim but the reality is he’s a deserter.
He claims some didn’t have guns or plates or not much ammo, but we have no evidence that’s true, these are just claims by a deserter; even if his claims were true, he wasn’t on the front line, the likelihood is that had he gone to where he was assigned (rather than deserting) he would have been given the gun and kit he needed.


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Exactly. These faggots forget that its a fucking war zone, if you go to the war by your choice, of fucking course they will not let you go just because you are scared for your life.

>By your own choice, go to war againts fucking Russia
>Realize you can actually die
>Run away
>Cry on Twitter

>What the fuck do these guys think would happen?
Americans are self indulgent and decadent but above all extremely sheltered. We live in a land of theme parks casinos haunted houses escape rooms paintball fights larp festivals sky diving sex clubs. You can have pretty much whatever experience you want in a controlled setting with no consequences. This gets boring and stale to the chronically empty person. They need more. One of the few experiences you can’t get in America this way is the perceived thrill of murdering someone. I think a sizable chunk of these dumb faggots just want the excitement of taking a life. I thank the Russians for preventing them from returning to my country.

>tons of british dead

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>Oh my GOSH REDDIT, have you seen the new Will Wheaton videorino?
>It's classic Star Trek!!
>"It's a trap!!"
>I HECKIN love this guy!

Attached: its-a-trap-trap.gif (220x220, 383.83K)

ukraine is piss poor
its a BYOD war, has been since the start


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cope troon you lost

But user... this is clearly russian disinformation and propaganda.
In reality the fag.. ehm i mean freedom brigades have killed tens of thousands of russian forces, they're winning.
Given these circumstances i'd like to encourage every tran.. ehm i mean hero, to go there and support the good cause.

Attached: based assad.jpg (600x696, 59.55K)


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So are these 'volunteers' being arrested when they return home?


I truly believe they didn't have them ammo or other equipment but that's because they know for a fact these redditors would flee at the very first encounter, that's why they wouldn't trust valuable equipment to these morons

If you were an Ukrainian commander and saw these idiots you wouldn't give them weapons as well

Ukrainians and redditors are a match made in mentally retarded heaven. Allowing any of these morons to keep their itoddlers on them for updating purposes is beyond incompetent. Don’t you agree?

WTF?? Dude should've read some old SOF magazines.

If what he said is true and they didn't have any weapons or ammo, then fuckin right you wait until you're supplied.
>It's the thought that counts

>threatens to shoot redditors in the back
wtf I love Ukraine now