A Reminder for Every Finn and other Nato bots here. FINLAND IS NOT JOINING NATO NOR IS FINLAND A ENEMY STATE OF RUSSIA...

A Reminder for Every Finn and other Nato bots here. FINLAND IS NOT JOINING NATO NOR IS FINLAND A ENEMY STATE OF RUSSIA. We are a trade partner and a irrelevant northern state (comfy desu). I do not want to die for Nato, i do not want to die in ww3, I do not want to get nuked and most importanly YLE HAS NEVER BEEN A TRUST WORTHY POLLING SOURCE YOU DUMBASSES ! Kuolema sotahulluille.

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Finland will join Nato in Easter.

Trust me, brah.

Just today Russia started their propaganda machine to build a narrative that Finns are holocausting russians. War with russia is inevitable

Attached: greater-finland-pepe-jpeg.jpg (960x540, 63.84K)

Fuck you Vatnik lover. I hope you die first in the nuclear hellfire when the poorly maintained Russian ICBMs fuck up their trajectory and hit you by accident.

Shut the fuck up nato cucks! (Op, phone posting cause im in a sauna)

Russians already started their stupid stuff, the playbook is the same: ”russians are genocided by fascist hitler homos”.

Haven’t you seen the news?

Post link you bots!


Russia isn't going to touch you with nukes because they will absolutely need every one they have for the US. When there is a conflict, Russians will win initially because the west is so dilapidated, but the US will resort to its decimation tactics on steroids. If you're Russian and you're confused as why the DC regime expects fast food workers, truck drivers, and miners to take out Putin, it is because they think of you as a military target. If the civilian populace is removed, the military is removed. It's extremely immoral, but it's true. They also think that war will boost their economy, we're taught that WW2 is what ended the Great Depression.

Yes. First strike is our only option now. TIME FUCKING GLASS ST PETERSBURG AND MOSCOW.

How hard is Finnish language to learn, if I wanna immigrate?

russians have always fucking cunts

Based finbro.

always been*

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Ja sä luulet että toi tarkoittaa nyt heti että venäjä hyökkää, saakeli eks nyt olis aika todistaa että ollaan neutraaleja eikä todistaa että venäjällä olis syy hyökkää tänne

Sorry Ivan, after your embassy stuff no one wants russians here anymore

Who fucking cares lol. Like we need another piglet runt of a country sucking at our teat.

Its not really hard from what i have seen other people who have tired to learn it, its just differant

Well, we buy quite much weapons and you buy quite a patents and tech.

Vitut. Ei aleta mitään Venäjän persettä nuolemaan. Venäjä ei määrää Suomen ulkopolitiikkaa.

I mean we finns care since its our nation thats being pushed to war against russia by globohomo

tältäkö se suomettuminen näyttää käytännössä?

Can't be very hard if I can speak it.

It depends on you. Are you a smart person? I know some Germans and Russians who learned it in 5 years and they make mistakes but it sounds good now. But then I know some poeple who have been here 30 years and they make dangerous errors.

The Russian embassy in Finland tweeted an open call for Russians living in Finland to inform the embassy of any incidents of russophobia they have experienced. We don't want to be accused of genocide and invaded, so please stay the fuck away.

A new dawn for Greater Finland shall rise soon, my brothers

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That is the correct term. Some lubricants and he is ready to be served

Tää on se syy miksi meidät tullaan valloittaa ja suomi menee historian kirjoihin, me emme ole suur valta idiootti, me ollaan enimmäkseen 10v poika jota työnetään tökkimään karhua pikkasen isomalla kepillä mitä ukrainalla on, meidän ulkopolitiikka on meidän päätös mutta on se esim myös sun päätös että et ammu ittees päähän

Da da, Vasili))) nato njet harashoo

Nice google translate Finnish shill.

Зa пoлгoдa гoд выyчишь. Пo cyти pyccкий для дeгeнepaтoв.

Jaa eli ei arkumentteja, heti vaan huutamaan "da da" ja "translator!", ei vittu jos me kuolaan koska idiootit ei ymmärrä historiaa ja geopolitiikkaa.

Fuck off back to ylis until you've learned your own language.

Globalistit ja EU:n kätyrit ovat jo valloittaneet suomen eikä heitä kiinnosta jos pikku paska maa uhrautuu.
Tietenkin neutraalina pysyminen olisi ollut paras, mutta nykyään on vissiin pakko olla ns. hyvien puolella oli hinta mikä tahansa. Saa nähdä jos meidät vedetään helvettiin ensimmäisenä.

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moro putkonen!

Whatever you say is invalidated by the fact that you are a VPN shill pretending to be Finnish.

Etkö tunnista turun aksenttia homo botti?

Russians wants to kill us. That's why we've always hated Russians and always will.

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Anteeks että olen kekkonen

All the butthurt belters are effeminate and panicky little bitches.

We dont care about you actually

All real Finnish patriots support Russian military actions.

What stopped them in the 60s? 70s? 80s? Or why didnt they us over in the 40s?

"meidät" :D

Nice try ruski troll. Enjoy your rubles.

I don’t want to kill you :(

Itke lisää, no sit "kuolaan" vitun lukutaidoton retardiapina

Suoraan sanoen hävettää nämä putinistit jotka postaavat maamme lipulla.