Really makes you think

Really makes you think

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Americans are only united when the topic is fucking other countries up, be you Republican or Democrat, the bombs will still fall, destabilizations will remain, sanctions will still continue, and nothing will change. America will always be a pain in the ass for others.

Vaush is pro-Ukraine dumbass

Also, what left-wing? America has two parties, the Democrats are considered Center-Right in many nations, how can they be considered "left-wing" if they're not Marxist at all? The two party state is destroying America from the inside and something should be done about it.

Brazil bro did you know I often listen to Bossa Nova and enjoy it?

imagine being a lefty faggot and you think this faggot cartoonist is on your side and then he does this
guy probably pissed off half his fanbase lol

The Chad Alliance

I keep seeing shills claim that commies are pro-Russia but I have not seen a single example.

>don't tread on me
>far right

I hate karl marx i hate donald trump i also hate putin and zalinsky. So where do i fit in?

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>pro ukraine pedo
>"far right" boomer libertarian
whoever made this should unironically kill themselves

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what exactly is far right?

i assume it's taking the "right" as furthest as possible, so complete abolishment of governent, private police, private firefighters, etc, is this the far right i have been told all my life to be afraid of?

>patriotism now means doing whatever corporations say and consooming product
Damn I guess commies really were my greatest ally all along.

>trannycrats are center-right because everyone else thinks free shit forever is a sustainable tax model
Wow based :)

Think about what? That the far left and the far right absolutely hate the corrupt establishment government but have two different ways of going about it. That arrogant boomer faggots don't realize that they're so fucking hated because of their own incompetence and greed so they rationalize it as them being in love with Putin or whatever.

How about we just stay out of pointless European wars that we have no business getting involved in

now shut up

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>Vaush represents the entire left-wing

The far left hate Russia because they aren't the U.S.S.R

all of Any Forums was nazis until putin decided Any Forums is antifa now

tell me more about horseshoe theory?


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>far left
>far right
>caricatures are clearly of a couple of boomer-age residents of the southwest and southeast quadrants
Yes, they both err to a less intrusive set of policies, despite one being left and one being right, and both support military non-interventionism.
How is that a joke?

>The Gadsden flag = "far right"
Holy fucking lol

You’re one of the good guys

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>The two party state is destroying America from the inside and something should be done about it.
Yeah but its not like people haven't been saying this for ages. People will just go "but voting third party is throwing your vote away," and not think in the long term - that it would give others confidence in voting third party if more did so. but the unfortunate reality is that single member pluralities tend toward two party systems. without an overhaul of the us government, I don't see this ending.

hes not wrong.

I just want Putin to cleanse Ukraine of its faggotry and wreck all the sweetheart deals the US politicians have with Ukraine

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modern day communists absolutely do not support russia. what is this nonsense? probably made by a dumb boomer that forgot the cold war ended 30 years ago

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Yes. 100% of people using it are far-right retards who have no clue who Gadsden was, what authoritarianism is or what the left is.

It’s a town in Alabama?

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In the modern lingo Far Right is anybody who

Supports Donald Trump or that is anti abortion, anti pedophiles, anti communism, anti faggots and pro America, pro Liberty, pro Christianity and pro Guns

Also if you disagree with a tranny youre far right

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>communists are good!
>oh wait they like putin they're bad now

>communist russia = boomer nonsense
>nazi Ukraine = daddy Putin needs to invade

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This screams "I have no idea what I'm depicting"

americans are very anti-war, they need to be false flagged into supporting almost every one

>burger are retards who don't know shit about events on the other side of the world

That photo looks like the perfect globohomo propaganda.

USA communists support every enemy of the USA. This primarly means Russia and China, but also sandniggers

which variant? kalergi east or west?

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So powerful, so brave.