Politics of Latinx America

I have questions for the Latinx folx

What does Brazilians think about the upcoming election? Will Lula win and bring back idiocratic socialism back?

What does Argies think about their government? I am Turkish and even I can't fathom the inflation and stupidity of Argentine Kirchnerfags. Honestly they are even worse then the retarded Kemalists and retarded Islamists here, I hate them. What are you going to improve this?

Chileans, looks like your most succesful Latinx country status will get destroyed after this left wing government accelerates. What do you think?

Peruvian, Colombian, Uruguayan folx I don't know much about your country but feel free to tell me about your politics.

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Okey dokey lokey I leave then.

>Will Lula win and bring back idiocratic socialism back?
Yes he will win and make Brazil great again (Brazilian Empire was great, don't reply to me saying Brazil was never great, NATOid, westoid and muslims retards).

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Sorry Mexibro I forgor you. Please include yourself in the discussion

Lula is most likely not winning. Most people don't like him and are probably going to vote for a more center-left political figure like Ciro Gomes. He is not the at all the best candidate we could have, but it is what it is. Also, brazil is not latin america

>What does Brazilians think about the upcoming election? Will Lula win and bring back idiocratic socialism back?
election cycle hasn't started yet, but a lot of people are annoyed at bolsonaro for his mishandling of the pandemic and the economy.
his main base is still intact (protestants and other right wingers) so it's just a matter of convincing part of the general public agian.
I think he'll win, it's really hard to lose a reelection.

>looks like your most succesful Latinx country status will get destroyed after this left wing government accelerates

Media generally shills Lula and the left. Honestly if not for Any Forums I wouldn't be aware of the interference of judiciary in politics. What does the people think of foreign media shilling and corrupt judiciary (and its ban on Telegram etc.)

We really don't have an option

brazilian seppuku
>more 4 years of Bolsonaro
brazilian seppuku
>Sergio Moro
>Ciro Gomes
dumbass, but the best choice nevertheless

I am sad for you, meanwhile I think it may be a divine intervention from Allah to punish you for inventing neoliberalism

>What does Brazilians think about the upcoming election?
They know lula will win, Bolso already said he will leave to usa if Boric were elected in chile.

>What does Argies think about their government?
You need to understand, theres a lot of poor people here, political fuel them by giving them free stuff in exchange to protest, yeah they bring people from the north(wich are the most retards ones in the whole country) to protest in bsas, they bring them here like livestock in buses. And the retards still doesnt see nothing wrong in that. Pure. Evil. Manipulation.
Anyways, here theres is a big public expenses that brings pesos down like a brick in water. The only industry in this country who brings dollars here is the Aggro, thats why some years the gov will lets aggro export more than others years.Ye is really that ez, that simple. But they hate rural people because they were the one who punish portenios for revolting back in the 70 80 in the universities. My uncle were call to fuck them up.

This was fueled by the protests last year. They now have inmigrations problems at the north.

they chill for now

They chilling while fucking venezuelans

They are too stones to write now.

>What does the people think of foreign media shilling and corrupt judiciary (and its ban on Telegram etc.)
Our media does the same, personally I wish I could violently kill each one of the STF parasites.

I really don't care about right or left, what is important is if the economic team is willing to do what is right for the country and what makes sense. Brazil needs to be industrialized and diversify its economy on more high added value products and less commodities. We also need to make structural reforms like fiscal adjustments, social security etc. We have huge potential, we just neet to stop being retarded

our countries will be another port for chinese products, its over.

Lula is going to win, once again the government will sponsor leftwing media outlets in an attempt to hold power indefinitely.
I blame bolsonaro, all he had to do is nothing, and yet he royally fucked everything up. a traffic cone would make a better president.

>yeah they bring people from the north
You mean the immigrants from northern South America right? They are also doing that here in Turkey too and I hate their guts for that.

>The only industry in this country who brings dollars here is the Aggro
I thought Argentine car manifactruing and some medicine industries were good.

>they hate rural people because they were the one who punish portenios for revolting back in the 70 80 in the universities. My uncle were call to fuck them up.
So you mean that rural people were called to beat up leftist Peronites in 70s and 80s? What did your uncle do at that time, how was he involved in this?

>You mean the immigrants from northern South America right?
I believe he means northern Argentina, they do the same here.

I was aware that Northern Brazil was backwater but I didn't know that same applied to Argentina

I'll give you a quick run down on the 4 serious candidates
Leading the polls. Lula himself is not an extremist left winger, he's more of corporativist center-left corrupt politician, as he has absolute problem entertaining the bankers' and speculators' shenanigans if it benefits his image. But his party represents the absolute worst scum in unions and other communist adjacent movements. If he's elected he'll punish the State for arresting him, "democratizing" the judiciary so there may never be another Lava Jato (look it up) again.
About 10 points behind. Lost some of the right wing for not being tough on corruption, then lost another portion of the right for not being able to carry through the reforms he promised. The pandemic made his adversaries hate him more, but also energized his base. Over the last year or so he's been showing signs fatigue from his position.
>Sergio Moro
Has a little over 10%. He's the judge that sentenced Lula. Then he was Bolsonaro's Minister of Justice. Broke away from the Bolsonaro government when the president showed he wasn't as tough on corruption as he had promised and was willing to use his position to help his son (a senator involved in scandals) get away from the judiciary. Moro politically and economic is a Bolsonaro with a human face. He's polite, has a PhD and was a federal judge for 20 years prior to his political activity. TV loves him. Lulists and Bolsonarists (for 'betraying' Bolsonaro) hate him with a passion. Won't get elected.
>Ciro Gomes
A little under 10%. Classical center left labor politician. Wants to reindustrialize the country through government control. From local aristocratic family, one of his brothers was Governor of their state and is now a senator, the other is mayor of their hometown, Ciro Gomes himself was Governor of the state too. Secretly has great admiration for the Vargas dictatorship and the first half of the Military Regime for modernizing the country. Won't get elected.

>You mean the immigrants from northern South America right?

>I thought Argentine car manifactruing and some medicine industries were good.
Aggro is more bigger.

>So you mean that rural people were called to beat up leftist Peronites in 70s and 80s? What did your uncle do at that time, how was he involved in this?
There was military training, they could call you back then.

>as he has absolute problem
*as he has absolutely no problem

My country (Ecuador) is a country that will probably never change, a place ruled and determined by the constant struggle for power between the coastal merchant elite of Guayaquil and the old landed elite of the Sierra in Quito. They will continue to milk and rule the country, as the mestizo/cholo populace is too ignorant to see the forest for the trees and is easily manipulated by them. Not to mention that the corruption which grasps politics in Ecuador has its roots in the people themselves, who at a barebones level are corrupted individuals that lack a consistent morality and are easily swayed by promises of wealth.

Independence was a mistake, and there is no reason that Ecuador should exist.

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So to summarize:
Lula: Left wing pinko that submits to globalist bankers and wants to corrupt judiciary even more to prevent another Operation Car Wash
Bolsonaro: Tired President that turned his back to his reform promises and helped his son escape justice
Moro: Good guy but elite and can't connect with the mass populace. Probably would be President if he had some PR ability.
Gomes: Anti globalist traditional leftist, wants state oriented industrialization. Seems elite as well.

Lula has the advantage of not being pro-US. He's part of the old wing of his party, so he's not exactly a "liberal" in the US sense, but he surely enjoys the new-left vote.
Bolsonaro and Moro are too pro-US for my liking.
Gomes would be a solid choice if he haven't been in bad with the new-left recently.

I would love to vote for a left wing traditionalist (pro worker, pro national industry, pro military and pro traditional values, anti-US), but we don't have such a candidate.

Our president declared that our country is the Capital of Life in Latam, which means we do not tolerate abortion and punish people that talk about abortion and women that kill their children, even if the child is from a rapist, because, why not? Women are bitches, just like Allah said. Although later the president pussied out and vetoed the decree of punishing women because all the high-class bitches who study at unis got mad and started riots like monkeys.


Also, there will be and employment fair for call centers, so that means our economy is growing.


Your description of Sergio Moro reminds me of Antonio Di Pietro, an Italian prosecutor who sent dozens of corrupt politicians to during the 90s, in a country-wide corruption scandal that we call Mani Pulite, then capitalized on his popularity and became a politician, achieving absolutely nothing. Twenty years later, our politicians are attempting to forbid prosecutors, judges and other members of the Judiciary from ever running for office, as this occurrence has shown that the Judiciary can hold too much control over Government and Parliament, hindering the separation of powers.
But he was centre left.

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to prison*

Brazil is not latin american.

Is another Center left leader like Bachelet or Lagos
Nothing is going to happen

>they chill for now
Their current government has been in shambles since day one

but it's a nothingburguer
just the same shit as always, this president won't do a shit and people just wand his presidential period to end already
a very incompetent one that just keeps thing as they already are

>Latinx America
We're really going with this, aren't we? The whole "Latinx" moniker?

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of this Judiciary to politics movement, specially considering that Moro was a judge. But honestly, Brazil is such a densely corrupt country and there's such a lack for qualified professionals that maybe it could offer an interesting counter to a hopeless legislative branch, as he'd probably have the backing of the state professional class (the deep state lel), which is his domain

I hate Alberto and Kirchner and all the faggot and retards that voted for them so much that I came here to be a manlet

No, its just gringos baiting. Irl no one speaks like this, even among those twitter retards advocating for a ungendered portuguese language.

That's what it is

>le ebin manipulation faec XDDD

>Irreparably compromised Brazil's prestigious diplomatic corps and its status as the leader of the non-aligned movement just to suck Zionist cock, simping for America for no gain
>Destroyed Brazil's leadership position by pulling out SA integration efforts.
>Caused permanent damage to Brazil's ecological wealth because of short-sighted greed.
>Sold off stakes in strategic resource sectors to the Gringo while calling himself a 'patriot'.
>Tried to sell Embrear, the only pride of Brazilian engineering and manufacturing, to fucking failing Boeing on top of that (spoiler: he botched that too and the yanks didn't even end up buying it in the end)
>Not only mismanaged a pandemic but was actively responsible for its outbreak, highest death rate in the world, even more absolute deaths than fucking India, literally the biggest deadliest catastrophe that affected Brazil in its entire history
>Hasn't done fuck all to address virtually any social and economical issue.
>Entire family embroiled in various corruption schemes
>Total and utter contempt for anything that makes Brazil a distinct country and culture, tried to shoehorn shitty American evangelicalism in some sick social engineering project
>Caused the worst economical crisis in Brazilian history
>Fertility rate at a century-long low, Brazil will now never exit the middle income economy trap
>Botched coup, even the military doesn't like him.

I mean it's clear that Brazil has had more corrupt leaders but just being corrupt is very different form actively doing harm. Bolsonaro is probably going to be remembered as the worst leader in modern Brazilian history. Even his former supporters are now nostalgic for fucking do-nothing Temer because they can't get over admitting that Lula was a good president. Prove me wrong

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>his main base is still intact (protestants and other right wingers)
Right winger yes, but the church in no way supports him anymore, nor the catholic or the protestant. Maybe some braindead old men and women who never read a book or the bible in their whole lives.

But basically, everyone is pissed at the cartel of fake politicians inside the government of Brazil. People are realizing to see that nor the old good-for-nothing or the young-and-fake brainwashed by social media are reliable candidates to be in the government of Brazil.
Majority are basically just whores, dogs and pigs that scream on Twitter.

Politics here is boring work, and needs to center its attention on main issues such as water, food industry, healthcare, education curriculum, public libraries, comeback of tradition (christianity, islamism, Hinduism,etc), among other things.

Just ban unnecessary things like expensive tech, iPhones, McDonald's, etc.

Birth control - 2 sons limit.

What's with the Ciro fags? Are you guys delusional? Guy has like 5% of odds, literally.
It's either Bolso or Lula, and I think people still didn't forget how much Lula robbed.
With Bolso, at least the violence was reduced. A FCKNG LOT, at least in my city. Don't know if it's related to him or not, but the rates drastically felt.

Totally agree but don't think it'll ever happen.

Best rundown until now, 100% agree. Hope Lula can't win tho, don't know many people supporting him, but my zone is not utterly poor, so maybe that's why.

Meh it's kinda like this through the entire LATAM parcerito, no hay mucho que hacer sinceramente, aqui o jodes o te joden.

Where this meme came from? Brazil is as Latin American as it can. Rice and beans, noisy, idolize Chavo del 8 (Chaves for peasants), same city structures, same culture in general (those are just some examples, could give thousands more). I've been living with lots of different LATAM people for most of my life, and yeah, Brazilians totally are Latin Americans.

Yeah, that's about right
Though Ciro Gomes is not anti globalist, but he is a nationalist first. He has a massive PR problem as well, he can't reach workers the way Lula does. People often think of him as arrogant and a know-it-all that likes to wave around numbers and public accounting while Lula speaks straight to the heart. Gotta keep in mind that Lula really came from nothing, while Gomes' father was a professor and a politician from an already stablished family


its not a meme, we simply dont identify ourselves as latinos

>being corrupt is very different form actively doing harm
I agree with this statement generally, but it's not true particularly for Brazil. The scale of what was discovered through the investigations of operation Car Wash is simply to massive to afford a "yeah, but..." argument. Can't have it. Non negotiable.

It looks like we are going to have three consecutive presidential vacancies in the course of six years.

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>Will Lula win and
He'll win just like Joe Biden won, since the USA basically writes the script of what happens here.
>bring back idiocratic socialism back?
Yes: steal all he can, give some of it to his commie friend dictatorships and the crumbs to the poor, while using corrupting the state so they achive more power. The fucker will also probably catch another boom of commodities.

LikeSaid, lefties don't care as long as they feel like it's all done with good intentions in the end.

>Supreme Court allows Lula to be a candidate (more than half of it was appointed by Lula 's party)
>it's Bolsonaro fault.

Don't worry, user, Moro will be a fine Congressman for the center-left that he is.

It's so infuriating

A lot of what happened here is based on what happened there.
Car wash is our clean hands.
Also: politicians are going to do the same thing they did there: bulletproof themselves

You can identify yourself with whatever you want. But you're what you're.

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Cope chud

>But he was centre left.
So is Moro. But since the Left owns everything here we call him a "liberal", and people think he is center right. The left calls him either right or extreme right.

>Lula is going to win, once again the government will sponsor leftwing media outlets in an attempt to hold power indefinitely.

Good. After killing 500 000 Brazilian citizens no right-winger should ever hold power again in Brazil.

Lula will win but it will be funny to watch it unfold. Right now it seems the military has finally come to its senses and noticed the West is declining fast, forcing Bolsonaro to wave to the East. The thing is, Lula's PT is part of the new left backed by the US, despite its "anti-US" rhetoric, they love "democracy" and support all the liberal agenda. What will the loud leftist militants say when he inevitably aligns with China and Russia?

Pretty much everything you said is what our left says (Lula's bitch)
I wonder if you are a lefty expat living yhe good life in a first world country

>comeback of tradition
>islamism, Hinduism,etc
Top fucking kek

>What will the loud leftist militants say when he inevitably aligns with China and Russia?

They won't care because Biden and the democrats will lose every election within the next 8 years, lol. Possibly with Trump or someone worse coming into power.

user, Lula stole 240 billions from Health.
How many he killed?

The Supreme Court is the agressor here, of course, no questioning it, but if literally anyone else was president they wouldn't have the political climate to make it happen.
Also, at the end of the day it's the people who'll vote for Lula. Lula would not have won in 18, but he will in 22. Who's to blame?
If it comes down to Lula x Bolsonaro, I'll vote for Bolsonaro without guilt, don't get me wrong, but it's time to admit that Bolsonaro was a terrible president and an opportunist. The right deserves better.

The Bolsa familia lifted millions of Brazilians out of poverty. So he probably saved more lives than any Brazilian ever.

>be latinx person
>my neighboring nation has a slightly different accent than me
>despite being exactly the same in every way including language, skin color, culture, and outlook on life i hate them
Those people don't make any sense
hot women though

Most Brazilians on this board including diaspora posters are part of their rich and privately educated upper class. They live in big mansions with maids and butlers, and hold strange reactionary beliefs about racial hierarchies and are sympathetic to fascist tendencies while being more often than not creepy religious fundamentalists. They look down on their fellow citizens and would sell out their own country and all its riches to foreign multinationals and the neoliberal status quo while still calling themselves patriotic.

They are members of their oligarchy and are afraid that someone is about to redistribute 'their' wealth that are the result of their greedy thievery and centuries of exploitation of the lower casts. They are a kleptocratic class of parasites that has to be utterly purged and annihilated in a violent uprising if any state in Brazil is to achieve social progress.

In addition to that these goons side and simp with the worst autocratic regimes, past dictators and lobbies on the Internet and support the worst atrocities of American hegemony. If any Brazilian on the Internet is disagreeing with you then you are doing something right.

Ok Cleytinho

Yeah you're right, though in a way it's sad. Our traditional culture is a beautiful one, much more so than the anglo culture I now find myself surrounded by here in the US. Too bad it's undermined by the issues I highlighted.

Fernando Henrique Cardoso program rebranded by Lula

So? My point keeps being valid.
You take any br and send him to Colombia and he will learn the language and feel exactly the same as home (with the exact same pros and cons).
Brazilians like to think they are hot shit, different from the rest because of the language, when it's the same telenovela, corrupt, full of hotties as the rest of LATAM.
I'm talking about Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. The rest do is different, since their people is mostly native, and you can really see a difference.
Cubans are extremely similar to Brazilians too, have no idea why, but they are one of the people that I've seen that is closer to Brs.

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