He’s right

Right wing populism is dead. You guys are losers.

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I'm an incel too.
I want you to be aware of that.

Spencer is the biggest faggot on the planet. Anyone who couldn't figure this out due to his faggy lisp is low IQ

Richard Spencer is such a pathetic faggot. He's so bitter and vindictive, a purely feminine trait. He should be ashamed of himself.

>t. seething rightoids

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>turbo glownigger and closeted homosexual Richard Spencer pretends to be on the side of white people.

>Richard Spencer
>the white nationalist that supports the EU, Joe Biden and globalism

He’s a fed and an effeminate one at that. The sissy got knocked out by Antifa trannies



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What you offer is still shit
You are still Undesirable.

wash your penis and make your bed

pol is a kiddie website, pol was the real NPC brains all along.

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I don't know why you aren't on a range ban for off topic and advertising Twitter profiles that aren't related to this board.

literally who

Spencer is truly a homosexual

Why does he just agree with libtards on everything now

bc he's on your side, satan

>Richard Spencer

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Patriotism and nationalism is dead because the powers that be don't like it anymore. It's a hassle, it's inconvenient. And the employers in the western world aren't helping, either. They fire their own people over minor mistakes, or just because they don't "feel" it with an employer anymore, they do a shit job educating new employers, they always want employers with several years or decades of work experience, even though they aren't willing to help people actually get that experience. I've worked in construction for ten years and I see it constantly. They are extremely ruthless when it comes to the newbies, they constantly hire and fire newbies, doing "sorting the wheat from the chaff" employing. How can the newbies ever learn anything or get any real work-experience, if they are constantly fired for banal and trivial reasons? Also, there's a lot of modern slaves working in construction. They apprentice somewhere for some company and are then put to work drilling holes and being the more experienced workers' "helpers" for four years and are then promptly fired after their apprenticeship ends and a new apprentice is hired to go the same thing over and over again. How will these people ever get any work in those industries afterwards, when they have only ever been used as cheap slave-apprentices throughout their entire time at the company? A lot of them don't. They just end up driving trucks or doing warehouse work afterwards, since no one will hire them, since they constantly demand highly knowledgeable and educated workers, workers who are newly educated but simultaneously have ten years of collected work experience. Things are complete fucking shit in the construction business right now and it has been for a long, long while. How can any patriotic feelings or nationalistic feeling ever thrive in such an environment? Tell me guys, tell me how?

Employees, is what I meant to write.

This nigger is so fucking obviously a fed plant.
Ask yourself. Why is this "white supremacist" still on twatter, while politicians have been banned?

The moment you support ukraine you're a fag

wtf i hate populism and love globalism now
go chinko-russia and commies!

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Sage shit threads

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richad faggot hated trump during the 2020 election
no wonder he loves putin and hates populism

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Checked. Gif of this fag getting punched by his fellow antifag?

>richad faggot hated trump during the 2020 election
what was not to hate? The golem backstabbed his supporters more ways than one while pardoning nogs and kikes nonstop. He got off that sinking boat while the 2016 tourists drowned

"The one world governement is bad, satanism and child sacrifices are wrong, these anti-mark-on-the-right-hand are such loosers"

boomer economic model, their superiority complex has fucked the West beyond belief