*kills your tank* :3

*kills your tank* :3

Attached: aAGy0d9_460s.jpg (460x540, 53.42K)

can u post more fanfics while im on my way to spray all over read women?

In all seriousness if I was Russian Mechanized infantry I'd be abandoning my tanks too.

Every single Ukrainian and their babushka has anti-tank NLAWS and Javelins.

Attached: Ukraine.600.3348752.jpg (410x600, 36.44K)

*Kills your pussy*

Attached: 1647387747453.jpg (481x697, 114.3K)

Yeah instead you are just a delusion dude that can't get laid

Nice cope bro, this will definetly make you win the war.


send another!

Attached: 1646675479380.jpg (200x180, 41.34K)


>Nice cope bro, this will def-*ACK*

Attached: 1647435330609.jpg (861x839, 143.17K)

Which will eventually be sold to the highest bidder and be used to take down commercial airlines around the world, why are our governments so fucking shortsighted

Attached: 1646540298206.png (1528x1038, 776.9K)

>why are our governments so fucking shortsighted
yeah, what were you thinking defending civilians and own borders like that

what a faggot, go kys brittfag

Surely, there will be no blowback this time as our modern anti-tank weapons are captured and given to china for reverse-engineering. Surely, none of them will make it into the hands of fundamentalist sects that are opposed to western imperialism.

Wait hold up, Ukraine is spelled incorrectly in the picture. Fix it or else youre getting shot by a monke

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Giving them anti armour can be used by a single person and fits in the boot of a car is the dumbest shit ever, it won't change the outcome of the conflict and will turn up around the world used on civilian Airlines.

>r, it won't change the outcome of the conflict and will turn up around the world used on civilian Airlines.
>using anti armor missiles agains air planes on cruising altitude
you have to be 18+ to use this board, son

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Take your meme flag off

good, im sick of fucking peasants flying to thailand to fuck ladyboys

What an elaborate plan. We could never think that far ahead.

>Parks at a concealed position near an airport.
>Shoots planes landing or taking off.
Nothing personal, kid.

>Take your meme flag off
take yours, mutt

>Muh flag
First defense of a man with no argument.

>anti-tank missiles can hit airlines

You have no idea how these missiles work.

They only have a mile long range dude

I'd be more worried for armored cars but that may destroy the money.

*kills your founder*
i hope i remember how to link cross thread

>>Shoots planes landing or taking off.
>noooo I mean like, really close. just stand on the air strip bro with your NLAW rocket launcher. or hide in the passengers waiting area.

kids should play less GTA

many are captured and then exported by Russia to enemies of USA. Then in a future war USA gets fucked by their own weapons.

They have sent both manpads and anti tank to Ukraine fuckwit

*kills your division general* :3

Attached: gen_Sukhovetsky.png (396x487, 232.23K)