Banned martial arts

As we all know, the government would not let us have effective self defense methods, so why not look up which styles are banned? If we take WW2 as the threshold after which governments wanted the citizenry weak and soft, how did people train before?

I researched this and found some nice facts:
>There were submissions in US college wrestling at least until the 30s (One Jack Riley, heavyweight champion in 1931 and 1932, was famous for his hammerlock, for example). This seems to have been discontinued after WW2.
>MMA was actually banned in most of Europe for some time in the 90s and 00s.
>Malaysia banned a minimalist variant of Choy Lee Fut in the 40s/50s because it was too effectively used by gangsters
>Before WW2, nobody did more than 1 set in fitness training

I have found no other examples so far. Any ideas?

Attached: jack riley.jpg (198x255, 7.32K)

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Bartitsu, THE most deadly of martial arts to deal with Kraut swine.

just because something is LE BANNED does not make it LE GOOD

I bet a 10er that you dont even know the basic techniques from something like this

then again youre most probably a roach dyel neverserved so who cares what youre going to "learn" lmfao

take me for example, roughly 10 years of nonstop boxing training
Id drop you like a sack of shit if you looked at me funny, but hey good luck reading "BANNEDS KARATE CHOP" lmao kid

>The best martial art
Gun followed by pointy stick followed by pointy piece of steel followed by pointy piece of shorter steel followed by steel cable whip.

take me for example, roughly 10 years of nonstop boxing training
Id drop you like a sack of shit if you looked at me funny, but hey good luck reading "BANNEDS KARATE CHOP" lmao kid

take me for example, roughly 10 years of nonstop boxing training
Id drop you like a sack of shit if you looked at me funny, but hey good luck reading "BANNEDS KARATE CHOP" lmao kid

This mustn't register on an emotional level...

take me for example, roughly 10 years of nonstop boxing training
Id drop you like a sack of shit if you looked at me funny, but hey good luck reading "BANNEDS KARATE CHOP" lmao kid

It's not banned, also Moriarty wasn't German.

CTE huh?


>gun exists

Attached: b.jpg (568x457, 39.54K)

There is way more to it. It has some banned manuscripts for dealing with deringers, swords, knives, gloves and poisons. It was basically old timey ninjitsu when maxed out. The sheer whimsy it exudes is itself a weapon.

You never expect this kind of guy to give you an ass whooping, that's for sure.

chun li helicopter kick is most effective in bar fights

this is so reddit
>james bond, harry potter and bruce lee united in peron WAOWAO

Shit is banned if it causes permanent injuries or death. Sure it's effective, but is it really better for you to face consequences of a self-defense kill with forbidden arts, rather than disarming attacker with commonly approved means?

The best part of the fantastical is that nobody believes it until it's right in front of their eyes.

Pussy brazil nigger monkey

Attached: Screenshot_20220315-232549_YouTube.jpg (1024x612, 199.1K)

take me for example, roughly 10 years of nonstop boxing training
Id drop you like a sack of shit if you looked at me funny, but hey good luck reading "BANNEDS KARATE CHOP" lmao kidd0h0r

Why is an arab calling someone nigger? lmao
Don't you have a cousin or a goat to fuck?